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What about after the 8th of March, online event organised for International Women’s Day 2021

Date 11.03.2021 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italy

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TaskForce “Per un’Accademia Inclusiva ed Antisessista” [“For an Inclusive and Antisexist Academia”] composed by Allievi/e both from the graduate and undergraduate courses invites all the members of the School to participate on the 11th of March to the event “E dopo l’8 marzo?” [“What about after the 8th of March?”], organised for International Women’s Day 2021 and endorsed by the Academic Senate.

The event will begin at 9h30 and will be divided in a first part targeting the internal community, and in a second one (from 11h30) open to the public and that will host Vera Gheno, sociolinguist and collaborator to the Accademia della Crusca. It will take place in the Aula Magna but it will also be possible to stream it on WebEx (in its entirety) or Facebook (from 11h30).

The 11th will mark an important opportunity for our community to reflect on the School environment (also thanks to collected data and testimonies) with regards to the topics of the International Women’s Day: discrimination, marginalisation, gender-based violence and equal opportunity.

Attached you may find the poster for the event.