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CESM - Circular Economy And Sustainability Management: Managing the transition towards a circular economy


Deadline for Registration - EXTENDED

September 27th, 2021


Marco Frey


October 18th-22nd, 2021

Learning objectives

The main target of the of the Circular Economy and Sustainability Management (CESM) seasonal school is represented by students from different backgrounds interested in the field of efficient resource management and circular economy. The CESM course explores organizational aspects and innovation facets related to all phases of the product life cycle; moreover, it provides practical overview of how processes, decisions and business models should change in light of the new circular economy paradigm. In more detail, the CESM seasonal school consists of 9 training modules lasting half day each on issues such as: circular economy assessment, circular design, strategy development & business models, communication. Finally, a half-day laboratory is scheduled to apply what students have learned in all previous lessons. Therefore, the learning objectives of CESM encompass: helping participants to acquire a framework of useful skills to seize the opportunities in the economic shift; managing the challenges and transformation processes in a circular logic in order to encourage the practical application of the knowledge gained.

Teaching methodologies

Students will be interactively and proactively engaged in the training process thanks to the integration of the theoretical concepts with the practical experience under the guidance of the trainers, encompassing both academics and practitioners. The use of experiential techniques and the articulation of training and laboratories will allow the participants to consolidate existing skills and increase self-awareness. The innovative teaching methods will also rely extensively on companies’ experiences in order to provide real world examples and lessons learnt. Case studies will also be included amongst the teaching tools on the purpose of encouraging the practical application of theoretical concepts, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Who should attend this Seasonal School?

Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. management, economics, law, political science, engineering, life sciences) who are interested in understanding how to manage the transition process towards the circular economy paradigm.

Coordinator and Key teaching staff

Coordinator: Prof. Marco Frey

Key teaching staff: prof. Fabio Iraldo, Prof. Francesco Testa, Prof. Francesco Rizzi, Dr Massimo Battaglia, Dr Tiberio Daddi, Dr. Natalia Gusmerotti, Dr Eleonora Annuniziata, Dr Filippo Corsini