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Erasmus + Traineeship Mobility Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

What is Erasmus + Traineeship Mobility?

These are mobility grants abroad for Traineeship at companies, training centers, research centers, universities and other organizations located in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus + Program.

Who can apply for Erasmus + Traineeship Mobility ?

All the students of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Honor’s College Students, Postgraduate / PhD students and students of the Master Courses).

New Options with this call (for more information see the attachment "Q&A Traineeship")

It is possible to carry out:

  • Physical mobility (moving to the Country of destination)
  • Blended mobility (partly physical partly virtual)
  • Virtual mobility (without moving to the Country of destination)

The application is online, please use this link: /domandeSssup/iscrivi.html?idconcpresel=4516752&lang=en 

Deadline for applications : Monday September 27, 2021

At the first access, the student will be asked to register ("REGISTER" at the top left) to set his own ID and password; this will allow him to re-enter the application several times and register the application in several sessions. The system allows you to attach documents / certifications to the application to support the information entered.

Duration of the internship

Min: 2 months (60 full days)

Max: 12 months

Financial contribution

The mobility grant for Traineeship under the Erasmus + Program is modulated according to the Country of destination:

GROUP 1 => € 400 / month

(HIGH cost of living)

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom*, Please note that UK is eligible for this call

GROUP 2 => € 350 / month

(AVERAGE cost of living)

Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Cyprus, Greece, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

GROUP 3 => € 350 / month

(LOW cost of living)

Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, former Republic of Macedonia, Turkey

Period of development

Internship start: from 1st of September 2021 to 31st May 2022.

End of internship: by 30th of  September 2022.

Mobility in more than one country

Mobility in more than one country is admissible only if the host company that signs the Learning Agreement for Traineeship is responsible for the entire duration of the internship at all locations: this implies that there is a relationship between the different host companies (for example: head office and the respective offices located etc.). This mobility must respect the minimum duration of 2 months (60 full days) at each of the host companies.