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IMPATTO - Definition of procedures for the creation of an infrastructure to support the techmologica transfer in Tuscany in Life Sciences sector

  • Project category Progetti finanziati da altri Ministeri
  • Lab/Research Area Area Valorizzazione della Ricerca
  • Project partner Università di Firenze
  • Project partner Confindustria Toscana
  • Project partner Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences
  • SSSA involvement Partner
  • Sponsor Ministero Sviluppo Economico

The IMPACT project aimed to implement procedures to create an infrastructure to support technology transfer and business creation in under-developed areas of Tuscany, in the life sciences field.  It was carried out jointly with the University of Florence (lead partner) ), Confindustria Toscana and Toscana Life Sciences and granted by MISE.

The activities were organized on three levels:

Activity 1: study and analysis of the cluster, in terms of supply of research and demand for technology in industry, development of human capital and identification of the appropriate models for technology transfer.

Activity 2: promotion, dissemination and demonstration of the project results with stakeholders.

Activity 3: support for the creation of new high-tech companies, through the implementiation of a virtual infrastructure of expert networks and the provision of specialized pre-incubation and incubation services in life sciences field.