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The new website of Sant'Anna School is now on line!

The new site has a different structure, updated on the basis of the guidelines of the strategic plan, with a modular architecture, which aims to provide a more complete representation of the complex articulation of the School and its activities.
It is important to point out this is a starting point and not an end point. The new site is a result of a long process of analysis, design and content management that has involved a large team representing all components of the School, which we would like to thank for the commitment, dedication and enthusiasm that have enabled us to get at this first important goal.
We are aware that the work is far from finished: the new site is a project that can only evolve and improve. In fact, our plan is to devote the months of June and July to the various improvements that will receive and arrive at a stable version by the end of September.

The next days will be dedicated to updating and defining all the features necessary for the daily life of the site. It is likely that some momentary inefficiencies may occur, mainly related to the fine-tuning of the new working tool and we apologize for the inconvenience. We need the support and collaboration of all the components of the School in order realize a wide and challenging project that aims to strengthen the School's brand, improving the internal communication appointed for dynamic and constantly evolving community.

For any request of content management the email address remains unchanged.
Happy browsing from all of us!


External Relations and Communication Area
Communication and Information Unit