National Centers The investment plan finances the strengthening of research facilities and the creation of 'national centres' for R&D on Key Enabling Technologies The projects funded AGRITECH - National Research Centre for Agricultural Technologies The aim of the National Center is to promote adaptation to climate change, reduce the environmental impact in the agrifood sector, the development of marginal areas, and to guarantee safety, traceability and security of the supply chains NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center Monitoring, defending and enhancing biodiversity with the aim of bringing together the excellence of Italian biodiversity research and innovation
AGRITECH - National Research Centre for Agricultural Technologies The aim of the National Center is to promote adaptation to climate change, reduce the environmental impact in the agrifood sector, the development of marginal areas, and to guarantee safety, traceability and security of the supply chains
NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center Monitoring, defending and enhancing biodiversity with the aim of bringing together the excellence of Italian biodiversity research and innovation