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Call for the recruitment of three assistant professors in the frame of NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan)

Finanziamenti straordinari: PNRR - Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza

  • Call notice date 31.03.2023
  • Deadline for application submission 05.06.2023

The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies by Rectoral Decree n. 227 dated March, 30, 2023, whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 25 dated March, 31, 2023, has opened a public selection for the recruitment of three assistant professors(ricercatori a tempo determinato) with full time temporary contract pursuant to Italian Law no. 240/2010, art. 24 paragraph 3 letter A,at the Academic Faculty of Experimental and Applied Sciences and Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, and Photonics Institute:

  • One position in the Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems - Academic discipline ING-INF/05 Information Processing Systems for the development of the SERICS - Security and Rights in the Cyber Space;
  • Two positions in the Academic recruitment field 09/F2 Telecommunications - Academic discipline ING-INF/03 Telecommunications for the development of RESTART Research And Innovation On Future Telecommunications Systems And Networks, To Make Italy More Smart.

Deadline: by May, 2, 2023 for Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems.

Deadline: by June, 5, 2023 for Academic recruitment field 09/F2 Telecommunications.

Candidates are requested to apply here:

(For technical support for the application please contact CINECA support via the link you find at the bottom of the page

The date of interviews between the Committee and the admitted candidates, the date of publication of the list of the admitted candidates, the time of the interviews and the link for the interview will be on May, 15 25, 2023 for Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems and on June, 12, 2023  June, 20, 2023 for  Academic recruitment field 09/F2 Telecommunications.

The interviews will be held online.

The admitted candidates will not receive any personal comunication.

NOTICE OF MAY , 25, 2023: Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems -  the interview will be on June , 21, 2023 and the list of admitted candidates  and the link for the interview will be published in this web page on June, 5, 2023.

NOTICE OF JUNE , 05, 2023: Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems - The interview will be on June, 21 at 2 p.m. at this link

NOTICE OF JUNE , 20, 2023: Academic recruitment field 09/F2 TelecommunicationsThe interview will be on July, 12 at 2 p.m. at this link . The list of admitted candidates  will be published in this web page on June, 30, 2023.


Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing SystemsBy Rectoral Decree no. 331 dated May, 16, 2023 has been appointed the committee.

Academic recruitment field 09/F2 Telecommunications: By Rectoral Decree no. 405  dated June, 12, 2023 has been appointed the committee.

First meetings

Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems: the committee has held the first meeting on May, 23, 2023.

Academic recruitment field 09/F2 Telecommunications: the committee has held the first meeting on June, 22, 2023.


Academic recruitment field 09/H1 Information Processing Systems: There is not a winner becouse nobody had presented to the interview.

Academic recruitment field 09/F2 Telecommunications: By Rectoral Decree no 515 dated July, 17, 2023, Dr. Pantea Nadimi Goki and Dr. Lorenzo Gilli have been declared winners.

For more information, please call +39 050 883.575/576/258  or write to