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PNRR – Call for one technology expert – BRIEF – EP1 – AUTVEH

Finanziamenti straordinari: PNRR - Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza

  • Call notice date 19.12.2022
  • Deadline for application submission 16.01.2023 - 23:59

Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies announces a public selection based on qualification and competitive exams for one technology experts, following art. 24-bis L. 240/2010; the contract will run for 24 months, with placement in EP grade, economic position EP1. This role will provide both technical and managerial support to the project: “BRIEF - Biorobotics Research and Innovation Engineering Facilities”.

For further information please contact the Administration and Technical Staff Office, +39 050 883552/577, e-mail: The offices of the School offices will remain closed from 27/12/2022 until 05/01/2023 included

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The full version of this Call is available only on the Italian version of the Sant’Anna School website.