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Call for application PhD in Translational Medicine 2023-24

The submission deadline for the online application is May 31st, 2023, at 12.00 a.m. (Midday, Italian time)


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Responsibilities of beneficiaries of Scholarships funded under MD 117/23 and MD 118/23. Read the document

Positions available

8 positions with scholarship (1 position is reserved for candidates who obtained abroad the academic degree necessary for the admission to a doctorate program) of which:

  • n. 5 positions funded by Scuola Sant'Anna,
  • n. 1 position funded by Fondazione Pisana per la Scienza ONLUS, for project proposals falling in the area " Detection and characterization of biomarkers associated with oncological and cardiovascular diseases".
  • n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by CNR-IFC and Scuola Sant'Anna on the topic: "Cellular and molecular mechanisms of vascular senescence and atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability: crosstalk between nucleus and mitochondrion." Under the PNRR Research and Innovation Program entitled "Ageing Well in an ageing society" - Age-It". (Partenariato Esteso - PE0000015).



  • 1 position with scholarship co-funded by CNR-IFC and Scuola on the topic: “Development of new tracers for marking of bacteria associated with an imaging assay and application of imaging techniques of bacteria in vivo for the study of the microbiota in the metabolic field and visualization of microbes responsible of infection and the action of antibiotics and antimicrobials” under the Project IR0000023 -"SEELIFE-Strengthening the Italian Infrastructure of Euro-Bioimaging," cod.24C660A8 - PNRR - Notice Public Notice for the submission of project proposals for "Strengthening and creation of Infrastructures of Research" - D.D. 3264/2021, Mission 4 "Education and Research" Component 2 "From Research to Enterprise", Investment 3.1, "Fund for the creation of an integrated system of research and innovation - NextGenerationEU," ESFRI H&F Area- CUP B53C22001810006- Grant D.D. no.101 of 16/06/2022.


The number of positions may be increased if further funding becomes available.

Besides the standard PhD program, the Tuscany Foundation "Gabriele Monasterio" – FTGM, in collaboration with the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, offers a scientific-clinical track as part of the Ph.D. Programme in Translational Medicine. Eligible candidates to the scientific clinical track are Ph.D. students in Translational Medicine who hold a medical degree, the Italian “abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di medico chirurgo” and a specialty degree in one of the FTGM clinical areas, plus their research projects must be of FTGM interest. Scuola, in agreement with the FTGM, determines the annual number of positions available for the scientific-clinical track. The Ph.D. students applying for the scientific-clinical track will be evaluated and selected by a Commission formed by four experts two designated by the Ph.D. Faculty Board and two by FTGM. The Ph.D. students admitted to the scientific-clinical track shall receive a scholarship supplement as compensation for their clinical activities.

How to Contact Us

To obtain more information please write to the following e-mail address: