MSc in Economics

2 places reserved to II Level Honours Courses for students admitted to the MSc in Economics for the a.y. 2024/2025! |
The Master of Science in Economics is organized jointly by the University of Pisa and the Institute of Economics of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The course, entirely in English, provides students with advanced training in economics, supported by the mastery of quantitative and statistical complementary tools. Central objective of the program is to improve the ability of students and students to analyze economic phenomena at different levels, society and industry both nationally and internationally. This range of skills represents the ideal environment for the development of future professionals who can understand rapidly changing economic scenarios. Access to the course is not limited, but admission is consequential to the evaluation by an admission committee of the curriculum provided by applicants.
The study path allows you to acquire:
- a high degree of mastery of the methodologies and contents of economic science in order to understand, interpret, quantify and possibly intervene in the functioning of economic systems, both in a static and dynamic perspective; this on the basis of an analytical and in-depth knowledge of the functioning mechanisms of the units of which a modern economic system is composed and the respective interrelations;
- an in-depth knowledge of mathematical-statistical tools and their use in the economic survey;
- an appropriate knowledge of the instruments of analysis and business-economic policy, of the principles and institutions of the national, community and international legal order.
For detailed information see MSE page.
The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will award, based on specific criteria listed in the Call, 2 II Level Honours students positions dedicated to those admitted to the Master's Degree in Economics. Honours courses are university training courses for deserving and capable students. They implement and complete the courses offered by the University of Pisa with excellent training and early introduction to research, offering free accommodation and food in the colleges, in addition to financial contributions for studying, abroad experiences, internships in companies and public institutions, the use of modern scientific laboratories, a library, sports facilities and spaces for cultural and recreational activities. Updated information are available on the page.