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My main research interests include complex system analysis, agent-based computational economics, economic growth, business cycles, climate change and the study of the effects of monetary, fiscal, innovation and industrial policies.

I have been the principal investigator of the European Commission H2020 project "Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity" (GROWINPRO), I have been the coordinator and leader of the Sant'Anna unit in the project "Economics of Energy Innovation and System Transition" (EEIST) funded by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, I have participated to European Commission FP7 project “Impacts and Risks from Higher-End Scenarios: Strategies for Innovative Solutions” (IMPRESSION),; European Commission H2020 project, “Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society“ (DOLFINS),; European Commission H2020 project, “Innovation-Fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Economic Growth” (ISIGrowth),

My works have been published in PNAS, Nature Climate Change, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Research Policy, Journal of Financial Stability, Economic Modeling, Ecological Economics, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economic Inquiry, Socio-Economic Review, Environmental Modeling and Software, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Regional Studies, Macroeconomic Dynamics. 

I am research fellow at OFCE, Sciences Po (France). I am editor of Industrial and Corporate Chance – Macro Economics and Development and advisory editor of the Journal of Evolutionary Economics. 



Macroeconomics, agent-based computational economics, climate-change economics.
