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Health insurance

Health insurance

Accident and third party liability policy insurance: Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies provides a general (and not medical) insurance coverage to its students, only in the case of hospitalization due to accidents occurred during academic activities. It also provides coverage for injuries suffered by the students, for which the School is responsible. The insurance also covers damages that students may cause to other people, things or animals occurring inside Sant’Anna premises.

EU Citizens

If you are an EU Member citizen or an EEA country citizen or you are of Swiss nationality, you should have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued from the national healthcare authority in your home country. It gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in Italy.
PLEASE NOTE: EHIC covers for short stays up to 3 months, for emergencies and medical care by a general practitioner (family doctor). A patient contribution is required for prescriptions, medical examinations. If you stay in Italy less than 3 months, you are not entitled to register in the Italian National Health Service.
European Master, PhD or visiting students/researchers: can enrol in the Italian National Health Service (see below).

NON-EU Citizens

In order to apply for a study visa and a permit of stay Non-EU citizens must have a health insurance coverage fulfilling the following requirements:

  • covers expenses in case of emergency treatment and urgent hospitalization.
  • guarantees the policy-holder’s return to his/her own country in case of serious illness.
  • is in English or translated into Italian and legalized by the Italian Embassy/Consulate


You can choose among a private health insurance bought in your home country which covers emergencies and which is for the whole period of your stay in Italy or the Italian Health Insurance.
Due to pandemic emergency enrolling to the Italian National Health Service is recommended.

The cost for the Italian National Health Insurance (Servizio Sanitario Regionale - SSR) is 700.00 euros/calendar year - valid from January until December regardless of the month you pay. The receipt of payment will allow you to choose a family doctor. It also entitles you to all benefits free of charge.

In particular the SSR provides:

  • hospitalization and treatment (including tests, surgical operation and medication during hospitalization);
  • basic medical care (General Practitioners and paediatricians);
  • specialist medical care by paediatricians, midwives and other specialist doctors;
  • medication at a discounted price;
  • laboratory tests, aids and devices;
  • ambulance service and other free services provided by the local healthcare authority (e.g. family planning clinics).

People covered by the SSR are entitled to either free or subsidized medication. Any inpatient treatment, i.e. any hospitalization is free and covered by the regional healthcare system.

IMPORTANT: it covers COVID-19 medical and hospitalization treatments

Documents needed:

  • Passport or valid ID
  • Tax identification number (Codice Fiscale)
  • Valid Stay Permit or Receipt of Application (with fingerprints appointment letter)
  • Payment of Euro 700,00 by using F24 Module

After having applied for the Stay Permit, the International Relations Office will support you in activating the National Health Insurance. PhD students will be refunded of SSR enrolment costs.

Useful information

  • Emergency doctor (Guardia Medica): You can get free out of hours medical assistance by calling the local Guardia Medica, via Garibaldi n. 198, Pisa (Tel. +39 050 959866). A doctor will be available to give advice, and if necessary, will visit the patient at home.
  • 118: The medical emergency number. For emergency medical care (emergency ambulance), dial 118. This  free service is available 24 hours a day, throughout the year.
  • ER or casualty departments (Pronto Soccorso) are available at all hospitals throughout Italy. Please note that they do not operate on a first-come first-served basis but on the basis of the health condition of the patient.
  • Hospitals. Where the need is considered urgent, the doctor at the ER will make an immediate hospital admission. Hospitalisation expenses are paid for by the National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN).