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“Explain the chainging reality: 40 senior high school students hosted at the Civic Education School to enhance active citizenship, from Constitutional values to the challenges of climate change”

Publication date: 08.09.2023
Villa Gombo
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Sant’Anna School organises this year the first edition of the Civic Education School, which takes place from Thursday, September 21st to Saturday, September 23rd at the Villa del Gombo, a former presidential residence within the San Rossore Regional Park, near Pisa. The programme turns to forty senior high school students, who passed a selection based on their advancements, their parent’s education, and the interest and personal motivation towards the themes of civic education. The Civic Education School was conceived by Sant’Anna honors students, under the scientific supervision of Luca Gori, researcher in Constitutional law, and with the financial support of the Fondazione Il Talento all’Opera and Fondazione Luca Cavallini Onlus to strengthen the effort of Sant’Anna school in enhancing individual merit and social mobility.

The programme is structured around the macro-theme “Explain the changing reality”, with a focus on analysis and comments about current events through press reviews in the morning, lectures, debates and group activities. Civic education will be adressed from several perspectives, including the Constitution, the European Union, and climate change.

Along with academic and insitutional panels, considerable time is reserved to whom - for either professional of volunteering purposes – explains the reality and its transormations every day. Among the guests of the Civic Education School, there are Alfonso Celotto, professor in in Constitutional law at the University of Roma Tre; Ferdinando Cotugno, journalist, Domani); Tiziana Faraoni, photo editor at L’Espresso; Felice Florio (journalist, Open); Agnese Pini, executive director of QN, La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino, Il Giorno; members of Fondazione Antonio Megalizzi and Fondazione Openpolis.

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