Healthcare, the Management and Healthcare Laboratory (MeS) of the Sant'Anna School analyzes 2022 and Tuscany still hits the spot. Rector Sabina Nuti's call: "Relaunch Tuscany's role as a trailblazer and invest in prevention"
Councilor Simone Bezzini: "Analysis useful as a working tool to improve where responses are still inadequate or too different from territory to territory"

The Regione Toscana’s healthcare indicators are largely collected in the middle bands of the Mes target, somewhat like 'darts', they are a snapshot of a Tuscan healthcare that confirms good performance and responsiveness. Positive report card, therefore, the one presented on Thursday, June 1, in Pisa by the Management and Healthcare Laboratory of the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, now coordinated by Milena Vanieri and which has been analyzing the Tuscan healthcare system for twenty years and does so with a conspicuous amount of data and indicators (316 evaluation and 300 observation for this edition, many more than those of the Ministry's New Guarantee System). The report covers 2022 and will be completed with the latest flows in July. Indicators of clinical quality, surgical efficiency and appropriateness, maternal and child pathway and oncology treatments are doing especially well.
The Tuscan 'target' also takes into account user evaluation, health promotion in schools, intensive care and plasma-derived medicines, among other elements that make it distinctive. In 2022, indicators on chronicity pathways have been enhanced: also new is the element on high-priority surgeries, not just oncology.
The indicators in the visualization of the regional target include many aspects and are the sum of many different geographic realities: so even within the green bands (those with good or excellent performance) there may be significant margins for improvement on specific areas, especially when analyzing data at the zone-district or hospital level. Significant deviations from the regional average figure emerge in some areas, upward but also downward.
Rector of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies Sabina Nuti calls for relaunching Tuscany's role as a trailblazer and investing in prevention. She reminds how the pandemic was also an opportunity for reflection. She then stresses how the governance of spending is done on multiple levels and "not dwelling on a single piece, such as the ceiling on personnel spending, which ultimately pushes opportunistic behavior". The director at the regional health directorate Federico Gelli points out how 2022 was still heavily conditioned by the pandemic and the consequent obligation to contain spending, which moreover saw energy costs explode and inflation soar. In short, a march with the handbrake pulled.