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  • Istituto di Economia


Publication date: 13.04.2016
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One year after the introduction of the jobs act, the objective of the workshop  organized on April 20 by the Institute of Economics of Sant'Anna School is to attempt  to trace an initial assessment, to provide an opportunity to promote a Scientific debate on the effects of the  labor market flexibility in Italy and abroad, from social, economic and cultural point of views.

The workshop entitled "One year after the jobs act: the effects of the labor market flexibility ", is part of the European project "ISIGrowth" for science dissemination ("Innovation-fueled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth"), coordinated by the Institute of Economics of Sant'Anna School.

"The labor market flexibility in Europe and in Italy is often shown to be  as one of the key remedies to the current economic stagnation and Italy, in this regard, is likely to represent a sort of natural experiment with the introduction of the jobs act - said Giovanni Dosi, director of the Institute of Economics at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - but is it really so? What were the social and economic effects of this reform one year after its introduction? This workshop, organized at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, within the framework  of the project ISIGrowth with a group of scholars, is an opportunity to promote a scientific debate ".

The study day on April 20th  at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna is introduced by Professor Andrea Roventini and kicks off with the two reports on labor market reforms in Europe and in Italy written by Clemente Pignatti (International Labour Organization) and Paul Sestito (Bank of Italy). In the morning session, three studies are presented on the impact and consequences of  labor market flexibility.

The afternoon session is devoted to a panel discussion, chaired by Giovanni Dosi, director of the Institute of Economics at Sant'Anna School. Participants include, among others, Stephen Franks (managing director of Federmeccanica) and Maurizio Landini (general secretary of Fiom Cgil).

One of the working paper recently published in the framework of ISIGrowth project "Labour Market Reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the jobs act" by Marta Fana, Dario Guarascio and Valeria Cirillo is primarily devoted to the effects of the recent Italian reform of the labor market it is

In early April 2016 the paper was presented to the Chamber of Deputies by one of the authors, Dario Guarascio, along with Giovanni Dosi, as part of a discussion that, starting from the jobs act, addressed the more general topic of our country industrial structure, the model of productive specialization and minimum necessary policy.

Again, another paper, entitled "Labour Market Flexibility: blackberries source of macroeconomic fragility than a recipe for growth", edited by Giovanni Dosi, Marcelo Pereira, Andrea Roventini and Maria Enrica Virgillito is dedicated to the effects and consequences of the process of the labor market flexibility. The paper was cited by Ofce, French Observatory of Economic Conjuncture in Paris, where will be presented by Giovanni Dosi, on May 17, 2016.