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PhD in 'Sustainability and Climate Change': a more equitable and sustainable society thanks to the PhD presented in New York The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna participates by funding two scholarships

Publication date: 30.09.2022
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The National Doctorate in "Sustainability and Climate Change", coordinated by IUSS Pavia with the participation of Sant'Anna School, was presented during the "Science Summit of the United Nations General Assembly 77" held in New York at the TATA Innovation Center Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute.
The meeting, titled "A Roadmap for Sustainable Development", was attended by Roberto Buizza, professor of Physics at Sant'Anna School, Mario Martina, professor of Hydraulic, Maritime and Hydrological Constructions at IUSS Pavia and Phd coordinator, and Alessandra Sannella, professor of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Cassino. Remotely connected from Italy were Beatrice Vallone, director of the International Honours Center of Italian Universities (H2CU), and Maura Imbimbo, professor in Earthquake Engineering at the University of Cassino. Victor Goldsmith, professor emeritus at AC- PACE University and H2CU, opened the discussion. Also participating were Ph.D. students Chiara Ceseracciu, with a talk on the topic of the gap between research and society and how Living Labs can be created to develop shared solutions to complex sustainability challenges, and Sahba El-Shawa, analyzing the challenges for the future and the role that Ph.D. students can play on the topic of climate change and sustainable development.

Towards an equitable and sustainable society. The goals of the doctoral program

The National Doctorate in Sustainable Development and Climate Change is a project of IUSS School of Higher Education, the Center for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions (3CSA), Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
The doctoral program aspires to create a new generation of researchers to help redesign a more equitable and sustainable society. It is clear that innovation moves through research toward young people with the ambition to contribute to the evolution of society, toward sustainable and transferable models on everyday reality. The possibility is to create a transdisciplinary scientific ecosystem through methods that can offer solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation.  This will be possible if we are able to bring into dialogue with the various actors on the ground, research results, institutions and citizen science.

The two fellowships funded by the Scuola Sant'Anna

As part of the doctoral program, Sant'Anna School funds two fellowships on specific topics, "Governing Sustainable Development and Climate Change: Theories and Regulation" and "Ethical, Political and Institutional Profiles of Sustainable Development and Climate Change".

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