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Wearable sensors, the neurology of the Apuane Hospital, the Sant'Anna School and the Institute of Clinical Physiology (CNR Pisa) participate in the OLIMPIA project for early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease

Publication date: 02.03.2023
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OLIMPIA is a research project financed by the Region of Tuscany, focusing on the development of wearable sensors for analysing movement, which can help identify subjects in the pre-clinical phase of Parkinson's disease, and carry out a finer monitoring of patients in the clinical evidence phase of the disease. The project also includes the development of a sensorised kit for use at home. In the course of the OLIMPIA project, patients will carry out self-monitoring tests at home, with motor measurements sent to the neurological centre.
On Saturday 4 March, at the Teatro dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane - Via Eugenio Chiesa 64, Massa, a conference will be held to present the OLIMPIA study and the results obtained, which will be used to propose a new model of accessible and widespread health service based on technological innovation and telemedicine.

Project partners

OLIMPIA sees the collaboration between the U.O. of Neurology of the Apuane Hospital in Massa (OA), the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa and the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the CNR in Pisa (IFC-CNR). The following centres will also participate: Neurological Clinic 1 AOU Careggi, Florence; OU Neurology Hospital Santa Maria Annunziata AUSL Toscana Centro; Neurological Clinic University of Palermo; OU Neurology IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano - San Luca Hospital Milan; Department of Neuro-Motor and Biomedical Sciences Alma Mater Studiorum - Bellaria Hospital - University of Bologna; IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Florence.