Seasonal Schools, the intensive courses “of excellence”: from photonics to the innovations in political representation, the program for the first months of 2023. How to apply, all the reductions of the enrolment fee
Subscriptions are already open or will shortly be available on the School’s website, where you can also consult the detailed and updated agenda for each Seasonal School: PHOTONS-@3 Photonic Technologies for Sensing Applications (on site classes from January 23rd to 27th); ARTIST - 5G/6G networks trAnsfoRming The dIgital SocieTy (on site classes form January 30th to February 3rd); Cibo, sostenibilità e diritti (on site classes from February 6th to 10th); AgriDev - Climate resilient, biodiversity-based agriculture for sustainable development (on site classes from February 13th to 17th); ECLIRE - The Ethics of Climate Change: Reshaping Responsibilities for Present and Future Generations (on site classes from February 20th to 24th); Management of Innovation and Common Good (on site classes from February 27th to March 3rd); MEDSKILL - Development of MEDical SKILLs by Simulation (on site classes from March 6th to 10th); PROREMOTE - PROximity care in REMOTE areas: A multidisciplinary approach to proximity care in remote areas (on site classes from March 13th to 17th) and lastly INSIDER - Innovazioni nel Sistema della Rappresentanza (on site classes from March 20th to 24th).
A reduction in the enrolment fee is available based on the applicant’s ISEE or equivalent certification of income as indicated in the call (for students enrolled in a foreign University). A 450€ scholarship provided by Fondazione Talento all’Opera and Fondazione EY will be assigned to the three best performing participants of each course. Students coming from universities or institutions with specific agreements with Sant’Anna School are entitled to reserved places and to a 10% reduction in the enrolment costs. Affiliated Institutions: Università di Catania; Università della Tuscia; Università di Trento; Fondazione Onaosi; Università di Messina; Università di Macerata; Università di Camerino; Università della Calabria; Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari di Merito; Università di Palermo; Università della Valle D'Aosta; Libera Università di Bolzano; Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università di Siena.
Applications for the Seasonal School PHOTONS-@: PHOTONIC TECHNOLOGIES FOR SENSING APPLICATIONS will be open until January 8th, 2023 and classes will take place in presence from January 23rd to 27th , 2023.
Photonic technologies have played a key role in the last decades to address the high demand for data traffic by telecommunication networks and data centres. The industrial development of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) optical communications systems and networks in the nineties and the more recent interest in photonic integration for data centres to overcome their well-known electronic bottleneck, have driven the technology to a high level of maturity, opening the way to many other industrial fields and applications. In particular, photonic technologies are becoming extremely attractive for sensing applications in a wide range of industrial fields, including energy, oil & gas, transportation, automotive, aerospace, bio-chemical and medical applications, as well as for structural health and environmental monitoring. The proposed courses will provide the students with the basic skills to understand the industrial requirement for photonic sensing, including specific niche applications, as for example, aerospace and high energy physics, as well as applications addressing large volume market sectors, like the automotive and transportation sectors.
Applications for the Seasonal School ARTIST - 5G/6G NETWORKS TRANSFORMING THE DIGITAL SOCIETY will be open until January 9th, 2023 and classes will take place in presence from January 30th to February 3rd , 2023.
Future mobile network technologies (5G, 6G, etc.) will allow the creation of new applications that will transform the way people live, work and interact with the environment. The educational objectives of the proposed Seasonal School are aimed at understanding and learning the architectures of 5G / 6G cellular systems with regard to the radio interface, the wired component and the software components such as virtualized entities, edge computing and AI-aided resource allocation. Besides, the courses will analyse the main features of data traffic transport and routing technologies in 5G/6G networks, telemetry techniques and advanced traffic conditioning techniques, in order to offer a global view of the emerging services that may be delivered by 5G/6G networks and how these networks are able to meet the stringent requirements that such services sometimes require. The analysis will also dwell on the impact of the services on the sustainability of the planet and the global challenges of the 21st century.
Applications for the Seasonal School CIBO, SOSTENIBILITÁ E DIRITTI will be open until January 9th, 2023 and classes will take place in presence from February 6th to 10th, 2023.
The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the topic of food sustainability, exploring how to build sustainable and climate-resilient agri-food systems through a dialogue between social and life sciences. Regulatory and non-regulatory measures for socially inclusive and environmentally more efficient food systems will be addressed. The policy and legal implications of the transformative approach recently taken by the EU with the European Green Deal and the shift towards more sustainable solutions in a Farm to Fork perspective will be thoroughly analysed during the Seasonal School. Topics such as food security and the right to food, food safety, international trade, digital innovation and blockchain will be at a centre stage. Moreover, issues linked to farming and consumption models will be taken into consideration through seminars given by scholars from the life science Institute.
Applications for AGRIDEV – CLIMATE RESILIENT, BIODIVERSITY-BASED AGRICULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT will be open until January 16th, 2023 and classes will take place in presence from February 13th to 17th, 2023.
Cropping systems in the XXI Century face complex challenges that cannot be addressed with unidimensional solutions. AgriDev program spans through climate science, agrobiodiversity, and economics with the aim of developing new angles to engage momentous challenges in food security, sustainability, and climate change adaptation. Students will develop a portfolio of knowledge at the base of cutting-edge scientific approaches in research for sustainable development. The seasonal school is structured in interconnected modules. The first module will explore climate science, discussing key concepts in climate change, and climate-agriculture nexus. The second module will deal with agrobiodiversity, its relevance for sustainability and provision of ecosystem services. The third module will discuss breeding approaches and means to enhance varietal development and recommendation. The fourth module will discuss micro- and macroeconomic aspects of cropping systems with a data- driven approach. Eventually, AgriDev will build a holistic interpretation of sustainable intensification of farming systems combining climate, agronomy, and economics to increase the impact of agricultural research for development.
Applications for the Seasonal School ECLIRE - THE ETHICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE: RESHAPING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS will be open until January 23rd, 2023 and classes will take place online from February 20th to 24th, 2023.
The Seasonal School aims to train participants on the ethics of climate change through a triple perspective: individual, global and intergenerational. It will also do so by opening up to disciplines beyond political and moral philosophy, such as political science, metaphysics, sociology and economics. The overall objective is to provide participants with the normative keys to analyse climate mitigation policies in the light of criteria such as historical responsibility, global asymmetries of economic power and adaptive capacity, and duties of justice towards future generations. The issue of social acceptability and socio-economic consequences will also be taken into account through the contribution of sociologists and social scientists. This will be preceded by an opening day with hard scientists dedicated to the introduction to climate change and the discussion of possible future risk scenarios. The Seasonal School includes interactive face-to-face lectures led by pairs of lecturers, climate policy-making simulations and interdisciplinary workshops.
Applications for the Seasonal School MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND COMMON GOOD will be open until January 30th, 2023 and classes will take place online from February 27th to March 3rd, 2023.
This Seasonal School addresses some of the main issues regarding innovation management and knowledge exchange (including technology transfer) with a broad vision which includes sustainability and health management. The specific approach of this Seasonal School focuses on the goal of contributing to the common good and aims at arousing the interest of participants from different scientific disciplines and focuses on the goal of contributing to the common good (at the level of universities, companies, territories). The theories and tools for managing innovation will be presented and discussed not with the objective of creating competitive advantage, but as a support to the ability to launch new initiatives of various kinds aimed at creating value for the society, especially in coherence with the need to rethink the current capitalism system. In this regard, some paradigms that are today at the centre of the debate on the transformation of the economy which is urgently needed will be presented, such as those of the creation of shared value, integral ecology and civil economy.
Applications for the Seasonal School MEDSKILL – DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL SKILLS BY SIMULATION will be open until February 6th, 2023 and classes will take place online from March 6th to 10th, 2023.
As of today, the need for practical skills and problem-solving capabilities remains largely unmet in many medical school curricula across Europe. Medical school education, in fact, remains largely anchored to a traditional paradigm of learning a discrete amount of information about pathophysiology principles and illnesses’ descriptions, without worrying about developing the skills necessary to work confidently “on the patient”. Digital tools based on macro-and microsimulation, thanks to their flexibility, effectiveness, accuracy and accessibility may give a fundamental contribution in solving this issue, and we want to apply their potential in undergraduate medical students’ education. The MEDSKILL school will allow students to: 1) get in touch with digital tools that facilitate the study of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and clinical reasoning; 2) confront virtual patients/mannequins, interpret their artificial symptoms/signs and make decisions, taking into account the appropriateness of the choice, as well as ethical correlates and sustainability; 3) mimic clinical situations to test patient communication skills, simulate the use of diagnostic equipment, team leaders and interventional therapies.
Applications for the Seasonal School PROREMOTE - PROXIMITY CARE IN REMOTE AREAS: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO PROXIMITY CARE IN REMOTE AREAS will be open until February 143th, 2023 and classes will take place in presence from March 6th to 10th, 2023.
Covid-19 highlighted how important it is to promote local health and ensure proximity to the patient. How is it possible to pursue this objective also in inland areas, mountain areas or small islands? How is it possible to guarantee equity of treatment and excellence in care even for citizens who live far from large welfare centers? This seasonal school is dedicated to this theme. The ways in which to analyze the needs of a territory and the possible implementable technological and organizational solutions will be analyzed.
The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the urgent topic of proximity-care through a dialogue between social, experimental and life sciences. Students will be involved, through different perspectives, on the issues inherent to the enhancement of quantitative and qualitative data, and organizational models for local areas, as useful information for decision makers and service managers to support the innovation of services and of the social protection net of the analysed contexts, starting from the example of Valle del Serchio. At the end of the Seasonal School, participants will develop a comprehensive view and specific tools to support policy making to support proximity care in remote areas.
Applications for the Seasonal School INSIDER – INNOVAZIONI NEL SISTEMA DELLA RAPPRESENTANZA will be open until February 20th, 2023 and classes will take place in presence from March 20th to 24th, 2023.
The seasonal school offers a selective study program open to motivated undergraduate and PhD students, giving them the opportunity to obtain a specific training on the main current issues concerning political representation, electoral and parliamentary law in a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective that includes law, political science, political philosophy, economy as well as the contribution of other fields (e.g., ICTs). It is a kind of training that no ordinary university course is able to provide, in particular due to the presence of speakers with different background and expertise. The students will therefore acquire skills that will allow them to critically consider from different points of view the various paradigm changes in political representation. The course will be conducted by lecturers of different backgrounds, thus enabling participants to look at the subject matter from an interdisciplinary perspective. The course will be articulated in lectures, working groups, case studies as well as meetings with experts. Unless otherwise indicated, the lessons will be held in Italian. An advanced knowledge of the Italian language is therefore required.