Sustainability, ecological transition and prevention of greenwashing: research topics of Sant'Anna School's SuM (Sustainability Management) Laboratory become a conference, in collaboration with Bocconi University's GEO
The initiative, scheduled for December 13th in Milan, aims to showcase achievements and innovations, such as the launch of the Barcode4environment app
The SuM (Sustainability Management) Laboratory of the Sant'Anna School is organizing, in collaboration with GEO (Green Economy Observatory) of the GREEN Center of the Bocconi University of Milan, the conference " Ecodesign, impronta ambientale, CSRD e greenwashing: cosa cambia per le imprese e per i consumatori alla luce delle recentissime evoluzioni normative e delle nuove tendenze di mercato?". The initiative, scheduled for Tuesday, December 13th, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at Bocconi University's Piazza Sraffa 13 in Milan, involves several experts to address key issues for business competitiveness in the wake of the ecological transition, in our country and in the EU, illustrating some of the most interesting new developments emerging in the corporate management strategy scene and in market dynamics and consumer choices. In particular, the discussion examines the approval in mid-November 2022 of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) and the publication of the proposed EC Regulation on the Ecodesign of products, up to the latest news in the field of Green Claims and the application of the EU's environmental footprint, passing by the prevention of greenwashing.
The speeches of the Sant'Anna School
The conference will be opened by a representative of the Sant'Anna School, Fabio Iraldo, professor of Economics and Business Management at the Institute of Management, with a speech aimed at highlighting how some very recent developments on the front of EU legislation on environmental sustainability have impacted the business world. In addition, "as part of the conference", affirms Fabio Iraldo, "will be presented "Barcode4environment", a web platform accessible through a special App, developed in collaboration with GS1 Italy, which will offer large-scale consumer goods companies the possibility to communicate clearly and in an easily accessible way key information related to the environmental performance of products, through the reading of their barcodes, a real revolution for corporate green marketing strategies". Marco Frey, professor of Business Economics and Management at the Institute of Management and director of the GECA (Management and Control of the Environment: Circular Economy and Efficient Resource Management) Master's Program at the Sant'Anna School, will moderate the subsequent roundtable discussion.
Secondly, the meeting is meant to be an opportunity to reflect about the significant progress made, at the national level, in the application of the Made Green in Italy scheme, with the development and approval of many CPRs (Product Category Rules) for calculating the environmental footprint. "Over the past year", comments Francesco Testa, professor of Business Economics and Management at the Institute of Management of the Sant'Anna School, "preliminary work has been completed for many new product groups that constitute the heart of Made in Italy: pasta, balsamic vinegar, Grana Padano, and provolone among food products, but also woolen textiles and various types of packaging in non-food categories." "To this work," adds Francesco Testa, "the SuM Laboratory has contributed substantially in its official role of technical support to the Trademark Secretariats within the Ministry of the Environment".