immersive virtual reality environments by SANT’ANNA school research team led by massimo BERGAMASCO ARE brought on STAGE FOR “Michelangelo e la Firenze Medicea”, FLORENCE, February 9, 2019
The immersive event Michelangelo e la Firenze Medicea, by Vincenzo Arnone, will take place in Florence - Sala d’Arme di Palazzo Vecchio on February 9 at 8.45 pm. This theatrical performance curated by Accademia Teatrale di Firenze under the supervision of director Pietro Bartolini, is the culmination of a three-year research project coordinated by Professor Massimo Bergamasco, Marcello Carrozzino and Chiara Evangelista of Sant’Anna School TECIP (Communication, Information and Perception Technologies) Institute.
The performance Michelangelo e la Firenze Medicea, sponsored by Tuscany regional authority under the framework of Festa della Toscana 2019, is free and open to the public.
The project on digital immersive virtual environment technologies led by Professor Massimo Bergamasco enables actors to engage in rich and multilayered experiences. Actors and the public can experience digitally created virtual environments as a concept presentation platform for ambient interactivity.
Over the past two years, the event Festa della Toscana hosted two performances Savonarola (2017) by V. Arnone and La Duchessa di Albany (2018) by P. Bartolini, using a video mapping system that creates a dramatic impact on the audience and serves as a bridge linking physical and digital experiences.
The performance “Michelangelo e la Firenze Medicea” offers a specific focus on advances in virtual environment technology. It integrates robotic automation into the augmented-reality storytelling by virtue of Avatars’ and virtual humans’ participation.
Michelangelo is a unique performance combining tradition and VR technologies for dramatic arts. Since 2015, Sant’Anna School researchers and Professor Massimo Bergamasco have been working with Pietro Bartolini, the founder of META (Meeting delle Accademie Teatrali Europee al Teatro della Pergola) events, on immersive virtual reality environments applied to performing arts education and training.
This evocative performance is a creative collaboration, resulting in a modern theatrical connection presented to an audience at the Festa della Toscana 2019 and an opportunity to share the future concepts of new digital technology and Industry 4.0.
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