encouraging adoption of low carbon impact products to increase transparency and reliability in competitive market: SANT’ANNA school institute of MANAGEMENT joins the eu-funded LIFE MAGIS project PARTNERship

The EU-funded LIFE MAGIS - MAde Green in Italy Scheme aims at encouraging the adoption of low carbon impact products for a more sustainable planet. Started in September 2019, the project coordination will be responsibility of ENEA (Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development) who will act as the legal entity to ensure marketplace transparency and reliability on ecological impacts of goods.
As research topics at Sant’Anna School Institute of Management include environmental sustainability, performance improvements, eco-efficiency and renewable resources, the researchers’ expertise led to the partnership with the Institute for Bioeconomics - CNR, the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University, in cooperation with foundries, wood-furniture, food processing and catering production companies Apo Conerpo Soc. Coop. Agricola, Cosmetica Italia – The personal care association, Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Pecorino Romano, Legnolegno Sc, Lineapelle Srl, and Unione Italiana Food. In demonstrating the potential of market transparency and reliability to drive producers lowering their carbon impact as they deal with climate change risks, the project, whose final conference is expected in December 2022, will also meet the national Made Green in Italy - MGI (ref. Law 221 of 28 December 2015) recommendations about the EU policy for greenhouse gas emissions.
Following the Commission Recommendation of 9 April 2013 on the use of common methods to measure and communicate the life cycle environmental performance of products and organizations, and the results of the EFFIGE project (coordinated by Sant’Anna School) which aimed to implement the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) method, the research team of the Institute of Management moved a step forward to have 21 companies to scrutinize climate risks in their portfolios. The MGI recommendations require specific actions across the investment value chain. Companies are expected to respond proactively to create value for their clients reducing financial and environmental risks and make an invaluable contribution to the society. Researchers will help to build trust and confidence in the markets. Sustainability researchers are directly involved to raise awareness of climate change-related risks and spark debate over environmental protection, Product Environmental Footprint and green products adoption.
Sant’Anna School Institute of Management Professors Fabio Iraldo and Francesco Testa are the LIFE MAGIS - MAde Green in Italy Scheme coordinators. “This project provides ample opportunity to analyze and report reliable carbon footprint values” - they said. “Results will give a true sense of transparency about emissions in end products and renewable energy systems. Italian consumers will be able to make better informed choices”.