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IN June AND JULY 2020 300 STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE ONLINE Orientation Program at higher education offered by Normale, Sant’Anna and Iuss HIGHER EDUCATION CONSORTIUM

Publication date: 24.06.2020
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Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the Orientation Program Scuola di Orientamento Universitario, offered by the  Normale and Sant’Anna - Pisa with Iuss Pavia Higher Education Consortium to 300 students in their penultimate year of high school will take place online on 23 - 25 June, 30 June - 2 July, and 7 - 9 July 2020.  

The admission committee composed of three representatives of Normale, Sant’Anna and Iuss  selected applicants for three sessions of the Orientation Program  2020 which is designed to guide talented high school students through the admission path to higher education excellence-driven programs centered on student’s learning experience.

“The online orientation program has a critical role in connecting the academic staff with prospective students during the Covid emergency.  We are committed to providing students with a virtual engagement activity that continues to deliver effective advice about joining the best college that can impact on their careers in the most powerful way.”, said Luigi Ambrosio, director of Normale; Sabina Nuti, rector of Sant’Anna; Riccardo Pietrabissa, rector of Iuss.

Students who qualified to participate in the Orientation Program will have the opportunity to gain insights into the college life, explore career options and attend lectures, seminars, and educational workshops.

The list of shortlisted candidates for the orientation program at Normale, Sant’Anna and Iuss  is available here.