The Perceptual Robotics Laboratory is a research unit of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – TeCIP Institute. The Laboratory mainly investigate new generation systems to improve human computer interaction (HCI) and robot mediated human environment interaction. Research in this field is dedicate to design and develop new concepts and technologies for robot and interface design, new algorithms and tools for robot control and user feedback, and new visualization tools for better and immersive HCI. The unit is distributed between several locations (in La Spezia, Pisa, Livorno) and groups more than 100 researchers mainly in the engineering field. It premises in 2016 are about 1700 s.q.m, including laboratories for mechanical design, mechanical workshop, mechatronics, motion capture and high-end computer visualization.
PERCRO team works as a unique team for realization of complex system that integrate all the above research activities. A particular research emphasis is given to the research and development of technologies for Virtual Environments (VE), robotics, telerobotics and haptic interfaces. For this purpose, the research activities at PERCRO are organized into three areas:
- Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments (CG&VE)
- Human Robot interaction (HRI)
- Intelligent Automation Systems (IAS)
Two more Laboratory centers are dedicated to end-user applications: The SEES Center on Livorno investigate new green energy harvesting and use; the Gustavo Stefanini Center in La Spezia, deals with UxV mobile robots, such as drones, vessels and mobile vehicles.
PERCRO has a special care to transfer its research results to end users, including social and industrial environments. This goal is pursued by both industrial cooperation as well towards relevant training courses. The application of PERCRO's technologies has been brought to several fields including design, medicine, sport, entertainment, industry and training.