The scientific mission of the Institute of Life Sciences covers two macro-areas: Agricultural Sciences and Plant Biotechnology; and Biomedical Sciences. Our aim is to provide a multifaceted and challenging scientific environment to a broad spectrum of students: undergraduates, postgraduates and PhD. Courses and research activities span from classical and molecular human and plant biology to preclinical and clinical sciences, plant biotechnology, food quality and nutraceutics, agroecology and agrobiodiversity, and novel sustainable agricultural systems. Strong emphasis is placed on technological innovation.
MSc in Molecular Biotechnology
In collaboration with University of Pisa
PhD in Agrobiosciences
Three-year Programme structured in 2 curricula: Genomics and crop production; Agriculture, environment and landscape
PhD in Agrobiodiversity
The goal is to enhance human resource capacities in the use and management of genetic variation in agricultural and natural systems
Phd in Translational Medicine
The mission of the PhD Programme in Translational Medicine (henceforth named Programme) is to educate and train post-graduate students with diverse academic backgrounds and highly motivated to pursue a career in experimental biomedicine and/or clinic