MSc in Molecular Biotechnology

2 places reserved to II Level Honours Courses for students admitted to the MSc in Molecular Biotechnology for the a.y. 2024/2025! |
The remediation and monitoring of the environment, the validation of innovative products and materials, the frontiers of neuroscience, the promising field of bioinformatics need qualified professionals. This is the goal of the MSc Degree in Molecular Biotechnology, jointly organized by the University of Pisa and the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, starting with the academic year 2015 - 2016.
Applying for this Master's Degree means preparing for professions for which statistics indicate steadily increasing demands. Master's graduates in molecular biotechnology will be able to work both in companies and private laboratories, as well as in universities and institutions where research is carried out in areas such as genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, biomonitoring, also conducted through biosensors.
During the MScy, students will study topics related to biotechnologies to study the neurosciences and to use microorganisms and plants. They will be challenged to address industrial problems and environmental remediation. The course will also convey the fundamentals for producing and isolating bioproducts; methodologies for evaluating and validating the biocompatibility of materials, methods on chemical simulations in biological systems and even the fundamentals of bioinformatics.
The MSc in Molecular Biotechnology is open to those who have a Bachelor’s Degree in Biotechnology or an equivalent and suitable degree. Access to other degrees requires the possession of curricular requirements corresponding to 90 university credits in the fields related to basic and characterizing disciplines (common biotechnology with specific purposes: biological and industrial) in the table of class L-2. There is also an interview.
Further information is available at this page.
The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will award, based on specific criteria listed in the Call, 2 II Level honours students positions dedicated to those admitted to the Master's Degree in Bionics Engineering. Honours courses are university training courses for deserving and capable students. They implement and complete the courses offered by the University of Pisa with excellent training and early introduction to research, offering free accommodation and food in the colleges, in addition to financial contributions for studying, abroad experiences, internships in companies and public institutions, the use of modern scientific laboratories, a library, sports facilities and spaces for cultural and recreational activities. Updated information are available on the page.