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International day of Parliamentarianism

International day of ParliamentarismEstablished by the International Association of Parliamentarians Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the International Day of Parliamentarianism is celebrated on 30 June, the anniversary of its foundation dating back to 1889.

The International Day of Parliamentarism is a time to review the progress that parliaments have made in achieving some key goals to be more representative and move with the times, including carrying out self-assessments, working to include more women and young MPs, and adapting to new technologies.

The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution A/RES/72/278, recognized the role of parliaments in national plans and strategies and in ensuring greater transparency and accountability at national and global levels.

With dissemination and awareness-raising activities, the aim is to strengthen accountability and transparency of politics and to stimulate the parliamentary participation of women, young people and minorities.