- Call notice date 29.03.2023
- Deadline for application submission 15.05.2023
The Sant'Anna School by Rectoral Decree no. 224 dated March, 29, 2023, whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 29 dated April, 14, 2023, has opened a public selection for the recruitment of three assistant professors (ricercatore/ricercatrice a tempo determinato) with full time position, tenure track probationary, temporary contracts (3 years) pursuant to art. 24 paragraph 3 letter B of Italian Law no.
Academic Faculty of Social Sciences
- One position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Comparative Law” (SC 12/E2) - Academic Discipline “Comparative Private Law” (SSD IUS/02);
- One position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Political Science” (SC 14/A2) - Academic Discipline “Political Science” (SSD SPS/04).
Academic Faculty of Experimental and Applied Sciences
- One position in the Academic Recruitment Field “Experimental Physics of Matter” (SC 02/B1) – Academic Discipline “Physics of Matter” (SSD FIS/03)
Deadline: by May, 15, 2023
Candidates are requested to apply here: since March, 31, 2023.
(For technical support for the application please contact CINECA support via the link you find at the bottom of the page
For the Academic recruitment field 12/E2 “Comparative Law” and for Academic recruitment field 14/A2 “Political Science”, the interview will be on June ,19, 2023 and the list of admitted candidates will be published in this web page on May, 31, 2023.
For the Academic recruitment field 02/B1 “Experimental Physics of Matter”, the date of the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates and the list of the admitted candidates will be announced on the web page on May, 31, 2023.
NOTICE OF MAY, 31, 2023:
Academic Recruitment Field “Political Science” (SC 14/A2): The interview will be on July ,19, 2023 and the list of admitted candidates will be published in this web page on June, 26, 2023.
Academic recruitment field 12/E2 “Comparative Law”: the date of the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates and the list of the admitted candidates will be announced on the web page on June, 30, 2023.
Academic recruitment field 02/B1 “Experimental Physics of Matter”: the date of the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates and the list of the admitted candidates will be announced on the web page on June, 12, 2023.
NOTICE OF JUNE, 28, 2023
Academic recruitment field 02/B1 “Experimental Physics of Matter”: the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates scheduled on July, 4, 2023 by 4.30 p.m. has been posponed.
The new date will be published on July, 31, 2023
NOTICE OF JUNE, 16, 2023:
Academic recruitment field 12/E2 “Comparative Law”: the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates has been scheduled on July, 10, 2023 from 10.00 a.m. at Pisa. The room for the interview will be announced on this page in the coming days in Room n. 5 of the Building in Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 - Pisa
NOTICE of June, 27, 2023
Academic Recruitment Field “Political Science” (SC 14/A2) ; the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates has been scheduled on July, 19, 2023 from 10.00 a.m. in the Building in Via Santa Cecilia, 3, in the meeting Room at the second Room n. 5 of the Building in Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 - Pisa.
NOTICE of July 31, 2023
Academic Recruitment Field 02/B1 “Experimental Physics of Matter”: the interview between the Committee and the admitted candidates has been scheduled on September, 25, 2023 from 3.00 1.00 p.m. in the Building in Via Santa Cecilia, 3, Pisa, in the meeting Room at the second floor.
Academic Recruitment Field “Comparative Law” (SC 12/E2) - Academic Discipline “Comparative Private Law” (SSD IUS/02): By Rectoral Decree no. 345 dated May, 23, 2023 has been appointed the committee. By Rectoral Decree no 404 dated June, 12, 2023 the committee had been modifed.
Academic Recruitment Field “Political Science” (SC 14/A2) - Academic Discipline “Political Science” (SSD SPS/04): By Rectoral Decree no. 346 dated May, 23, 2023 has been appointed the committee.
Academic Recruitment Field “Experimental Physics of Matter” (SC 02/B1) – Academic Discipline “Physics of Matter” (SSD FIS/03): By Rectoral Decree no. 347 dated May, 23, 2023 has been appointed the committee.
Academic Recruitment Field “Political Science” (SC 14/A2): the committee has hold the first meeting on May, 31, 2023.
Academic Recruitment Field “Experimental Physics of Matter” (SC 02/B1): the committee has hold the first meeting on June, 6, 2023.
Academic Recruitment Field “Comparative Law” (SC 12/E2): the committee has hold the first meeting on June, 13, 2023.
Academic recruitment field 12/E2 "Comparative Law": by Rectoral Decree no. 525 dated July, 24, 2023 Dr Denise Amram has been declared winner.
Academic recruitment field 14/A2 "Political Science": by Rectoral Decree no. 556 dated August, 01, 2023 Dr Luca Raineri has been declared winner.
Academic recruitment field 02/B1 "Experimental Physics of Matter": by Rectoral Decree no. 647 dated October, 02, 2023 Dr Riccardo Funari has been declared winner.
For more information, please call +39 050 883-575-576-258 or write to