The competition tests
For all Subject Areas, the competition is articulated in 2 stages as follows:
1. evaluation of titles
2. oral exam
The selection is aimed at ascertaining the high level of preparation, the candidates' potential for cultural and educational development, their aptitude, motivation and predisposition for the chosen course of study, as well as their readiness to live in a collegial dimension.
The assessment of qualifications will be carried out on the basis of the documentation submitted by the candidate in respect of:
- CV;
- Dissertation or another paper;
- Publications;
- Additional activities;
- Others.
The oral exam consists of an interview, in Italian and/or English, diversified according to the Faculty and the subject area chosen by the candidate. The Examination Board is in any case entitled to verify that the level of knowledge of the Italian language of the candidate's not of Italian mother tongue is sufficient to ensure their participation in the training activities envisaged by the chosen course of study.
The oral exam may be held remotely if the candidate proves to be unable to come.