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DREAM research area (Data, REsearch and Analysis on Migration)

DREAM (Data, REsearch and Analysis on Migration) conducts research activity in the field of migration, asylum and rights of migrants adopting a multidisciplinary perspective that includes sectors as constitutional law, European Union law and comparative law. Peculiar attention is paid to the linkages between welfare and migration, international protection, citizenship, free movement of persons within the European Union, governance and migratory flows, environmental migration and climate change.

The DREAM research area runs several European projects together with national and international partners, including the Jean Monnet Module entitled: "Migration, Asylum and Rights of Minors" (MARS); the FAIR Plus project "Fostering Access to Immigrant's Rights - Practical training for Lawyers and JUdgeS"; the Demetra project and the Sirio Migranti project. 


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