Third mission
DREAM also carries out third mission activities, organizing events aimed at developing a wider awareness on immigration and asylum issues, for the purpose of understanding social phenomena and building more inclusive societies. According to this, numerous collaborations have been initiated with third sector institutions and bodies, including the Comitato 3 Ottobre, in the framework of the Remembrance Day.
On October 3, 2013, 368 migrants lost their lives in a shipwreck off the coast of Lampedusa. There were 155 survivors, including 41 minors. Since then, October 3 has become a symbolic date, not only to commemorate the victims of that shipwreck, but to remember the thousands of people who regularly drown in the Mediterranean Sea. The day was established by law by the Italian Parliament in 2016 to preserve and to renew the memory of those who lost their lives while attempting to migrate to our country to escape wars, persecution and misery. The Remembrance Day is organized by Comitato 3 ottobre and brings together organizations, associations, NGOs directly involved in rescue operations for migrants at sea. The objective is to promote in the young European generations learning opportunities to foster a culture of welcome and solidarity in order to counter intolerance, racism and discrimination and foster processes of inclusion and social integration of migrants.
- Lampedusa 2022: Giornata della Memoria e dell'Accoglienza del 3 Ottobre ⇒ programma degli eventi
- Semi di Lampedusa, 2020-2021: Incontri di formazione online con le scuole superiori aderenti al progetto dal titolo: "Diritti oltre frontiera. La disciplina dell'immigrazione e dell'asilo in Italia"
- Lampedusa, 2020: Giornata della Memoria e dell'Accoglienza del 3 Ottobre ⇒ Laboratori online
- Lampedusa, 2019: Giornata della Memoria e dell’Accoglienza del 3 Ottobre ⇒ Guarda il video