During the academic year, advanced education courses are organized within the DREAM research area. Our training are intended to professionals and scholars interested in deepening the issues of immigration and asylum. Specific collaborations have been activated with public bodies and organizations at national and international level, including: ASGI (Association of legal studies on migration), Italian School of the Judiciary, ICJ (International Commission of Jurists), also in the framework of EU-funded projects (FAIR plus - Fostering Access to Immigrant's Rights - Practical training for Lawyers and jUdgeS, 2018-2021 - and FAIR - Fostering Access to Immigrant Children's Rights, 2016-2018). Among the various initiatives, the Permanent Training Center on the law of foreigners is led in collaboration with ASGI at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna.
Latest training courses
29-30-31 March 2021 - Workshop transnazionale "Le garanzie procedurali per i migranti e i richiedenti asilo"- organized in the framwork of the Fair Plus project (Fostering Access to Immigrant’s Rights – Practical training for Lawyers and jUdgeS), in cooperation with ICJ, coordinator of the project, and GCR-Greek Council for refugee (10h)
4-5 Febbraio 2021 - Corso di formazione "Contenzioso strategico e diritti fondamentali dei migranti", organized in the framwork of the Fair Plus project (Fostering Access to Immigrant’s Rights – Practical training for Lawyers and jUdgeS), in cooperation with ICJ, coordinator of the project, and ASGI (12h)
November 2020-January 2021 - Intensive Training Course “International protection and rights of minors in the European Union" organized in the framework of the Jean Monnet Module MARS “Migration, Asylum and Rights of Minors” (40h)
28 May 2020- 12 June 2020: Corso di alta formazione "Tratta e grave sfruttamento" (22h)
17 November 2019- 5 March 2020: Corso di alta formazione in tema di immigrazione e asilo - progetto Lumit (40h)
3-4-5 December 2019: Corso di alta formazione in accesso alla procedura di asilo e diritto ad un rimedio effettivo tra prospettive internazionali e diritto interno – Fair Plus (15h)
Training centre on immigration law
- Modulo in tema di protezione internazionale, protezione complementare e diritto di asilo alla luce delle evoluzioni normative e giurisprudenziali a livello europeo e nazionale (23-25 May 2019).
- Meeting “Diritti e libertà fondamentali dei richiedenti e dei titolari di protezione internazionale. Quali tutele alla luce delle recenti riforme? (20 February 2019)
- Summer school on the rights of migrants:
2018 - Summer School sul diritto degli stranieri - V ed.
2017 - Summer School sul diritto degli stranieri - IV ed.
2016 - Summer School sul diritto degli stranieri – III ed.
2015 - Summer School sul diritto degli stranieri – II ed.
2014 - Summer School sul diritto degli stranieri – I ed.