Applications open for the First Level Master In "Human Rights and Conflict Management", ed. XXIII Deadline for application is July the 04th (first round of selection); lectures will start in January 2025

Applications are open until Thursday, July 4th (I round of selection with an early bird discount – deadline to the 2rd of selection set on 12 September 2024), for the First Level Master in "Human Rights and Conflict Management". The Master, chaired by Associate in International Law Professor Emanuele Sommario, is designed to provide students from different cultures and backgrounds with a deep understanding of the linkages between human rights and conflict management theory and practice. The curriculum, strongly field oriented, prepares participants for working with NGOs, governments, aid agencies, the UN system and regional organisations, also operating in the context of complex emergencies and joint operations.
The Master starts on January 8th, 2025 and runs until Spring 2026. The syllabus of the Master Programme, in addition to individual studying and the preparation of a final written project (project work), will cover about 450 hours of classroom lectures and 480 hours of internship. Classroom lectures are from Monday to Friday and run from 8th January to 31st July 2025. The internship lasts three or more months starting from August/September 2025.
More information and application directions on this dedicated page.