Festival of Robotics: from Friday, May 19 to Sunday, May 21, Pisa will host seminars, workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and many science popularization events, with the sponsorship and scientific contribution of the Sant'Anna School
The event received the Medal of the Presidency of the Republic. The events organized by the Sant'Anna School at the Arsenali Repubblicani and Stazione Leopolda, with free entry

Pisa becomes "RoboTown," city of robots, thanks to the third edition of the Festival of Robotics, scheduled from Friday, May 19 through Sunday, May 21, under the patronage and with the scientific contribution of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. The opening ceremony, opened by Mauro Ferrari, president of the Fondazione Tech Care, organizer of the Festival, is scheduled for Friday, May 19, at 5 p.m. at the Arsenali Repubblicani, in Pisa. During the Festival, a number of scientific outreach events such as seminars, workshops and exhibitions are planned, all with free admission, at the two venues of the Arsenali Repubblicani and Stazione Leopolda in Pisa.
The Festival of Robotics, which has the Fondazione Tech Care (promoted by the University of Pisa, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Fondazione Arpa) as the implementing entity, receives the support of the Regione Toscana, the Consiglio Regionale della Toscana, the Comune di Pisa, the Fondazione Pisa, the Fondazione Arpa and other entities and institutions, and is sponsored by the University of Pisa, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra, the Comune di Volterra, the Comune di San Giuliano Terme, the CNR and other entities and institutions. Due to its relevance, the Robotics Festival received the medal of the President of the Republic, the patronage of Rai Toscana and the media partnership of Rai Radio 3.
On the occasion of the opening ceremony, two talk shows, open to the public, are scheduled to introduce the themes at the center of the festival. The first one at 6:15 p.m. on Friday, May 19, at the Arsenali Repubblicani, is titled "Mamma mia, what a junk! From Labs to Real Life". Giusy Versace, former Paralympic athlete and senator of the Republic, and Paolo Dario, professor emeritus of Biomedical Robotics at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, will participate, with QN - La Nazione journalist Tommaso Strambi conducting. Next, at 6:45 p.m., again with Tommaso Strambi conducting, is the talk "With your head and heart you go everywhere. The challenges of robotics". Discussing will be Arianna Menciassi, vice chancellor and full professor of Biomedical Robotics at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies; Antonio Bicchi, full professor of Automatics at the University of Pisa; and Adriano Fabris, full professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Pisa.
Also scheduled are the two seminars "Le prospettive della robotica a Pisa", with participation from the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence of the Sant'Anna School, and "Etica, diritto ed assicurazione nella robotica: vincoli o stimoli?", with talks from the DIRPOLIS Institute (Diritto, Politica, Sviluppo) of the Sant'Anna School. Attached posters.
The full program can be found HERE.