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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan: in “African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review”, the Sant'Anna School's contribution to understanding its legal, political and economic aspects

Publication date: 28.10.2022
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African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review, an interdisciplinary scientific review, devotes a special issue to the Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan, edited by Andrea de Guttry, professor of international law at the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics and Development) of Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, and PhD student Alessandro Mario Amoroso, together with Melvis Ndiloseh (University of Yaoundé 2).


Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan

The Juba Peace Agreement (JPA), signed on October 3, 2020, between the Transitional Government of Sudan and most of the armed groups active in the country, is the most ambitious peace plan decided in Sudan in recent years. Concluded at the outcome of the 2018-2019 Sudanese Revolution, the JPA paves the way for national reconciliation and marks a double transition: the end of Omar al-Bashir's authoritarian regime and the cessation of most of the civil conflicts that have ravaged Sudan for decades, including the conflict in Darfur. For this reason, the JPA introduces fundamental innovations with multiple implications.


The contribution of Sant'Anna School

The analysis conducted aims to understand the real potential of the Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan through a multidisciplinary analysis of their content, combining legal, political, economic, environmental and sociological perspectives. As emphasized by Andrea de Guttry: “Crucial to the realization of the project were the decades of experience of Sant’Anna School in the fields of peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and conflict management. Sant’Anna School also contributes directly to peacebuilding and peacebuilding in Sudan, with research and training programs in the field, in collaboration with local authorities and various Italian and international institutions”, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). “We can also report the establishment of the first joint research center between an Italian university and a university from Darfur: The Community Stabilization and Peacebuilding Research Laboratory (COSTARELA), issued from the joint efforts of the DIRPOLIS Institute at the Scuola Sant’Anna and the University of Nyala in South Darfur”, professor of Sant’Anna School concludes.

The special issue on the Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan can be consulted online at this link and will be officially presented at the event "The 2020 Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan and Prospects for Peacebuilding in Darfur", organized by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and scheduled for November 29th.