Protection and valorisation of the regional heritage of local varieties: in the technical-scientific commissions appointed by the Region of Tuscany there are three professors from the Crop Science Research Center
The Region of Tuscany has recently appointed the technical-scientific commissions provided for by Regional Law no. 64 of 16/11/2004 for the 'Protection and valorisation of the heritage of local breeds and varieties of agricultural, zootechnical and forestry interest'. Over the next three years, the Commissions are called upon to express their opinion on applications for registration to the Regional Register of Local Tuscan Breeds and Varieties, also valid for registration to the National Register of Biodiversity of Agricultural and Food Interest.
In the Commissions appointed by the Region, there are three professors from the Crop Science Research Center of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna:
- for the Technical-Scientific Commission on Herbaceous Species - Laura Ercoli, Full Professor of Agronomy and Herbaceous and Horticultural Systems
- for the technical-scientific Commission for woody fruit species - Pietro Tonutti, Full Professor of Science and Technology of tree and forestry systems;
- for the technical-scientific Commission for ornamental and flower species - Anna Mensuali, Associate Professor of Horticulture and Floriculture.