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Seasonal Schools, the intensive courses “of excellence”: from photonics to economics of technological change, the program from May to July 2023. How to apply, all the reductions of the enrolment fee

Publication date: 28.02.2023
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Subscriptions are already open or will shortly be available on the School’s website, where you can also consult the detailed and updated agenda for each Seasonal School: PHOTONS-@3 Photonic Technologies for Sensing Applications  (on site classes from May 8th to 12th) and lastly ARTIST - 5G/6G networks trAnsfoRming The dIgital SocieTy  (on site classes from May 22nd to 26th); From minimally invasive surgery to nanorobotics (onsite classes from June 5th to 9th); AIRONE - Artificial Intelligence and RObotics in exteNded rEality (on site classes from June 19th to 23rd); Climate Change and International Law: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (on site classes from July 3rd to 7th); Cybersecurity - A multidisciplinary perspective (on site classes from July 10th to 15th); Agent-based Models in Economics: Theory, Toolkit and Policy Laboratories (on site classes from July 11th to 14th) and lastly  Economics of Innovation and Technological Change (on site classes from July 17th to 21st).

A reduction in the enrolment fee is available based on the applicant’s ISEE or equivalent certification of income as indicated in the call (for students enrolled in a foreign University). A 450€ scholarship provided by Fondazione Talento all’Opera and Fondazione EY will be assigned to the three best performing participants of each course. Students coming from universities or institutions with specific agreements with Sant’Anna School are entitled to reserved places and to a 10% reduction in the enrolment costs. Affiliated Institutions: Università di Catania; Università della Tuscia; Università di Trento; Fondazione Onaosi; Università di Messina; Università di Macerata; Università di Camerino; Università della Calabria; Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari di Merito; Università di Palermo; Università della Valle D'Aosta; Libera Università di Bolzano; Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università di Siena, Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori. 

Applications for the Seasonal School ARTIST - 5G/6G NETWORKS TRANSFORMING THE DIGITAL SOCIETY will be open until April 11, 2023, classes will take place in presence from May 22nd to 26th.

Future mobile network technologies (5G, 6G, etc.) will allow the creation of new applications that will transform the way people live, work and interact with the environment. The educational objectives of the proposed Seasonal School are aimed at understanding and learning the architectures of 5G / 6G cellular systems with regard to the radio interface, the wired component and the software components such as virtualized entities, edge computing and AI-aided resource allocation. Besides, the courses will analyse the main features of data traffic transport and routing technologies in 5G/6G networks, telemetry techniques and advanced traffic conditioning techniques, in order to offer a global view of the emerging services that may be delivered by 5G/6G networks and how these networks are able to meet the stringent requirements that such services sometimes require. The analysis will also dwell on the impact of the services on the sustainability of the planet and the global challenges of the 21st century.

Applications for the Seasonal School From minimally invasive surgery to nanorobotics will be open until May 8th, 2023 and classes will take place on site from June 9th to 5th, 2023.

The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the highly interdisciplinary field of minimally invasive (robotic) interventions. Students will be introduced to intervention robotics, artificial intelligence for medical imaging, smart materials and innovative robotic components, microrobotics and nanomedicine, as well as clinical aspects of minimally invasive interventions. Students will have a chance to discuss the numerous scientific, technological and clinical challenges in the field, and to gain skills in developing innovative technological solutions with a highly multi-disciplinary and holistic approach.

Applications for the Seasonal School AIRONE - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Extended Reality will be open until May 22nd, 2023 and classes will take place on site from June 19th to 23rd, 2023.

In the forthcoming decade, technologies of eXtended Reality (XR), i.e., Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, and collaborative robots will become ubiquitous. Then, the XR combination with robots and human-centric Artificial Intelligence will enable distributed environments where humans, robots and virtual entities coexist and may become the sentient embodiment of remote human operators. The AIRONE School will cover specific research topics underpinning this paradigm shift affecting technology, perception and interaction ways. At the end of the AIRONE School, participants will learn the main aspects of eXtended Reality, the basics for the design and control of collaborative and wearable robots for immersive telepresence, and the fundamentals of Machine Learning and AI applied to Robotics and artificial vision systems.

Applications for the Seasonal School Climate Change and International Law: Interdisciplinary Perspectives will be open until June 5th, 2023 and classes will take place on site from July 3rd to 7th, 2023.

The main focus of the Seasonal School will be on the international legal context of climate change and on the global governance efforts addressing this phenomenon. However, in light of the complexity of climate change and the intrinsic need to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective, the Seasonal School will also provide the participants with the opportunity to acquire a basic knowledge of the scientific, economic and ethical aspects related to climate change.

Notably, the legal perspective itself will be characterized by a multidisciplinary approach in order to reflect not only on the evolution of the specific body of international climate change law, but also on the role of other areas of law, such as human rights law, public comparative law, agricultural law and migration law.

Applications for the Seasonal School Cybersecurity - A multidisciplinary perspective will be open until June 5th, 2023 and classes will take place on site from June 12th to 16th, 2023.

The Seasonal School aims to address the issue of cybersecurity through a cross-disciplinary analytical approach, combining computer science and social sciences, in order to provide participants with the tools to understand and discuss the various dimensions of cybersecurity from a technical, theoretical and legal point of view. The Seasonal School will offer the participants an updated and comprehensive understanding on the different dimensions of cybersecurity, with the aim of raising awareness of the opportunities and risks associated with new technologies, in order to allow them to develop a critical attitude towards the most problematic and controversial aspects of cybersecurity issues.

Applications for the Seasonal School Agent-based Models in Economics: Theory, Toolkit and Policy Laboratories will be open until June 5th, 2023 and classes will take place on site from July 10th to 14th, 2023.

The study of economies seen as complex evolving systems has proven to be an appropriate lens of analysis to interpret and provide diagnoses of the many instances of the structure of capitalism. Heterogeneity, non-linearity, interdependent and cumulative processes, structural crises, regime changes, path-dependence and inequalities are among the key properties of both micro and macroeconomic phenomena.
Agent-based models are a powerful and growing tool to develop theoretical models disciplined by empirical evidence, able to address the complex and evolving nature of economies; additionally they constitute a natural policy laboratory enabling the possibility to perform scenarios analysis useful to inform policy choices.

Applications for the Seasonal School Economics of Innovation and Technological Change will be open until June 19th, 2023 and classes will take place on site from June 17th to 21st, 2023.

The Seasonal School programme on “Economics of Innovation and Technological Change” addresses both the theoretical and the empirical underpinnings of the economics of innovation and technical change, as well as recent debates at the frontier of the field. The topics covered include: technological paradigms and trajectories, innovation and firm strategies, sectoral patterns of innovation, analysis of patent data, innovation and economic growth, innovation and competitiveness, innovation and intellectual property rights. The programme also offers an overview of statistical methods and techniques aimed at analysing relevant empirical data for innovation studies. Students will gain frameworks and tools to understand key-issues in this field: how do we measure innovation? How do firms exploit innovation in different sectors? What is the connection between intellectual property rights regimes and innovation? Which are the most effective tools to foster innovation in different contexts?