MIS2nano - From minimally invasive surgery to nanorobotics. A voyage in the field of intervention robotics

Deadline for Registration - EXTENDED
February 16th, 2025
March 31st-April 4th, 2025
Learning objectives
The Seasonal School will introduce participants to the highly interdisciplinary field of technologies for minimally invasive interventions, with focuses on intervention robotics and artificial intelligence, smart materials and innovative components, micro/nanorobotics, and on how to make innovative technologies meet the clinics. At the end of the School the participants will have gained knowledge on the state of the art and potential future developments of robotics and technologies for minimally invasive interventions; understanding of the scientific, clinical, and technological challenges posed by these highly interdisciplinary research field; hands-on experience on topics related to intervention robotics; ability to propose innovative solutions for complex scientific-technological problems with a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach.
Teaching methodologies
Students will find an interactive and cross-disciplinary learning environment that will encompass lectures on fundamentals as well as on cutting-edge research topics in the field, hands-on activities, demonstrations of current research activities, case studies, and a group project work.
Target participants
Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds (e.g. engineering, physics, mathematics, medicine, computer science) who are interested in robotics, mechatronics, AI, smart materials and/or minimally invasive medicine.