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Valentina Lorenzoni joins L'EMbeDS as a Tenure Track Researcher (RTT) in Social Statistics

Publication date: 05.02.2024
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Valentina Lorenzoni has joined the Institute of Management of the Sant’Anna School and L'EMbeDS as a Tenure Track Researcher (RTT) in Social Statistics. 

Valentina, who already holds the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in “Igiene Applicata, Scienze Infermieristiche e Statistica Medica” (06/M1), previously worked as a non-tenure track Assistant Professor (RTD-A) in Statistics for Experimental Research at the Institute of Management, and as research fellow at the Department of Epidemiology in the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the CNR (National Council of Research) in Pisa. From 2021, she also collaborates as biostatistician with the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France.  

Her studies were mainly devoted to statistical methods for epidemiological and clinical data; for instance, in her Ph.D. thesis, she used regression trees to classify outcomes of patients undergoing bariatric surgery. More generally, Valentina applies her statistical expertise to research concerning healthcare, socioeconomic inequalities and the multidimensional aspects of health.  Her interests include the analysis of administrative databases for both clinical and health economics evaluations; the assessment of the burden and economic impact of specific disease (i.e., rare disease, cancer) and the evaluation of their determinants based on administrative data or data collected ad-hoc; the identification of digital traces, and the analysis of non-standard data sources (other than clinical studies or administrative archives) with classical and “novel” statistical methods. 

Valentina is Associate Editor for BMC Health Services Research (since 2018), and Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (since 2022).

What are Valentina’s plans for this new chapter of her academic career, in connection with the objectives of  L'EMbeDS? "The biggest aim of my research is to develop and apply statistical methods to better understand health, its determinants, healthcare interventions and the healthcare system -- with the ultimate goal of helping people and society at large improve health and the delivery of health interventions, maximizing the use of existing resources."