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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

ADVANCED EDUCATION: APPLY NOW FOR SUMMER COURSE ON CYBER SECURITY, offered by Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute. “EARLY BIRD” REGISTRATION UNTIL 31 MARCH 2019. The application deadline is 30 April 2019

Publication date: 18.03.2019
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Registration is now open for the “Summer School” course on cyber security offered by Sant’Anna School Dirpolis Institute. Early Bird registration is open until March 31, 2019. The application deadline is 30 April 2019.

This course is designed for graduate students and PhD students in IT, engineering, law, international relations, and economics as well as IT professionals who want to enhance their skills in computer, network and information security. The course will improve the participants’ ability to develop risk mitigation strategies. Under the superivision of Francesca Capone, researcher at the Law, Politics and Development Dirpolis Institute and Matteo Bonfanti, researcher at the ETH Zurich, the program provides the opportunity to be at the forefront of defending cyberspace from cybercrimes.

Participants will acquire the knowledge and techniques needed for a successful career in digital security, digital forensic, and focus on the law and ethical hacking issues surrounding cyber defense policies. In 2018, cybersecurity has been called a sovereign domain and this global issue shall be addressed through a multidisciplinary approach combining communication networks, security engineering and international relations studies.

“This course offers an opportunity to address the cybersecurity skills gap – said Francesca Capone and Matteo Bonfanti. According to recent reports, there are an estimated 3.5 million open cybersecurity positions worldwide. Academics and experts will offer the best quality of education and training that our new cyber professionals can receive”.