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SANT’ANNA school requires applicants to sit the tolc admission test. TOLC tests can be taken at test centers across italy. candidates who have passed the tolc test may sit the written entrance examination

Publication date: 01.03.2020
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Sant’Anna School is introducing the TOLC On-line Admission Test for the first time in 2020 to identify the brightest students. The TOLC test is a pre-interview written assessment required for Economics, Law, Political Science, Engineering, Agriculture and Plant Biotechnology courses for 2020 entry. TOLC tests are not used for medical degrees. TOLC testsare run by the CISIA, a Consortium of Inter-University Integrated Access Systems.

TOLC tests are available at many test centers all over Italy. There is no restriction on the number of times applicants may sit the TOLC test.

Candidates must apply online through the CISIA website, choose the TOLC test location and the test date.

Students who achieve a minimum score of

✔️ 27/50 in TOLC I (Information and Communications Engineering)
 28/50 in TOLC B (Agriculture and Plant Biotechnology)
️ 19/36 in TOLC E or 34/50 in TOLC SU - Social Sciences (Economics, Management, Law and Political Scienece)

may sit the written entrance examination.    

Detailed information about TOLC admission test and Sant’Anna School entry requirements can be found here.