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Introducing the new and expanded Managing Board of EMbeDS!

Publication date: 01.02.2022
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As the framework for interdisciplinary research at the Sant'Anna School evolves, and we prepare for the possibility of a second cycle of funding for the  Departments of Excellence, EMbeDS decided to renew its governance structure and form an expanded Managing Board (MB). The new MB continues to comprise key institutional roles (e.g., the Rector and Director General of the School, the Directors of the two "founding" institutes -- Economics and Management) and maintains the same Scientific Coordinator. However, the team is now extended to officially comprise the two Associate Scientific Coordinators and several early- and mid-career faculty who can proactively invest in the future of our community in the medium and long term. The new MB is poised to provide both the executive skills and the scientific vision we will need going forward.

The Senate of the School officially approved the composition of the new board on November 16, 2021. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of prior MB members, and warmly welcome the new ones!

Here is the team in alphabetical order: