Andrea Mina is Full Professor of Economics at the Institute of Economics and Pro-Rector for International Relations of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Before his move to Sant'Anna as Associate Professor in October 2016, he was University Lecturer in Economics of Innovation at the Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS). In Cambridge he held the posts of Senior Research Associate of the Centre for Business Research (CBR), Director of Economic Studies and Fellow of St Edmund’s College, and Policy Fellow of the Centre for Science and Technology (CSaP) of the University of Cambridge.
Professor Mina has been Co-investigator and Principal Investigator of several projects funded, among others, by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC), the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA), the Council for Industry and Higher Education, the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
He is now serving as Associate Scientific Coordinator of the L'EMbeDS (Economics, Management and Law in the Era of Data Science) Department of Excellence of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, and is Visiting Professor at the Collège d'Europe, European Economic Studies Department, Bruges.
Professor Mina’s research focuses on the econonomics of science and innovation. It spans various themes ranging from the theory and empirical analysis of technical change, to evolutionary economics, networks and industrial dynamics, science and technology policy and the financing of innovation. His work has been presented at leading international conferences including, but not limited to, the NBER Summer Institute, DRUID, European Economic Association, International Schumpeter Society, European Commission/JRC-IPTS CONCORDi, Academy of Management, Financial Management Association, and Geography of Innovation (GEOINNO) conferences.
He has recevied the following recognitions:
- BEST PAPER AWARD, DRUID 2022, Copenhagen Business School, 13-15th June 2022
- Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Research Policy, Elsevier, November 2016.
- BEST PAPER AWARD, CONCORDi-2013 Conference, JRC-IPTS/European Commission, Seville, 26-27th September
- Best Paper Proceedings, 2013 Academy of Management Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, 9-13th August
- Nominated for the International Schumpeter Prize at the 7th European Meeting of Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE), Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, 14-16th February 2011
- BEST PAPER AWARD, 25th DRUID Celebration Conference ‘Entrepreneurship and Innovation’, Copenhagen Business School, 17-20th June 2008
- OPTIME AWARD 2000, Prize for the Best Graduates of the University and ‘Politecnico’ of Turin, sponsored by ‘Unione Industriale Torino’, 25th September 2000.
Refereed Journals
Mina, A. (with G. Tripodi, F. Lamperti, F. Chiaromonte, F. Lillo, and R. Mavilia) 2024. ‘The public use of early-stage scientific advances in carbon dioxide removal: a science-technology-policy-media perspective’. Accepted and forthcoming in Environmental Research Letters.
Mina, A. (with V. Cirillo, and A., Ricci) 2024. ‘Digital technologies, labour market flows and investment in training: Evidence from Italian employer-employee data’. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 209: 123735. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2024.123735
Mina, A. (with J. Taglialatela) 2023. ‘Innovation, asymmetric information and the capital structure of new firms’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 1-24, https://doi.org/10.1080/10438599.2023.2265821.
- Mina, A. (with V. Cirillo, L., Fanti, and A., Ricci) 2023. ‘Digitizing firms: skills, work organization and the adoption of new enabling technologies’. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 66: 89-105; doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strueco.2023.04.011
- Mina, A. (with V. Cirillo, L. Fanti, A. Ricci) 2023. ‘New digital technologies and firm performance: Industry 4.0 in the Italian economy’, Industry and Innovation, 30(1): 159-188, https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2022.2055999
- Mina, A. (with P. Santoleri, A. di Minin, I. Martelli) ‘The causal effects of R&D grants: evidence from a regression discontinuity’, Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-42, doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/rest_a_01233.
- Mina, A. (with C. Esposito, M. Gortan, L. Testa, F. Chiaromonte, G. Fagiolo and G. Rossetti) 2022. ‘Venture capital investments through the lens of network and functional data analysis’, Applied Network Science, 7, 42, https://doi.10.1007/s41109-022-00482-y
- Mina, A. (with V. Cirillo, L. Fanti, A. Ricci) 2022. ‘New digital technologies and firm performance: Industry 4.0 in the Italian economy’, Industry and Innovation, in press, https://doi.org/10.1080/13662716.2022.2055999
- Mina, A. (with V. Cirillo, L. Fanti, A. Ricci) 2022. ‘Upgrading Italy's Industrial Capacity: Industry 4.0 across Regions and Sectors’, SINAPPSI – Journal of the Italian National Institute for Public Policy (INAPP) XI (2): 14-35, https://doi.10.53223/Sinappsi_2021-02-1
- Mina, A. (with S. Rocchetta, D. Kogler and C. Lee) 2021. ‘Technological knowledge spaces and the resilience of European regions’, Journal of Economic Geography, 22(1): 27–51, https://doi.10.1093/jeg/lbab001
- Mina, A. (with M. Moggi, A. Martinelli) 2021. ‘The enabling technologies of Industry 4.0: Examining the seeds of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(1): 161–188, https://doi.10.1093/icc/dtaa060
- Mina, A. (with P. Santoleri) 2021. ‘The effect of the Great Recession on the employment growth of young vs. small firms in the Eurozone’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 56: 184-194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.strueco.2020.11.002
- Mina, A. (with A. di Minin, I. Martelli, G. Testa, P. Santoleri) 2021. ‘Public funding of innovation: exploring applications and allocations of the European SME Instrument’, Research Policy 50(1): 104-131, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104131
- Mina, A. (with H. Lahr) 2021. ‘Endogenous financial constraints and innovation’, Industrial and Corporate Change 30(3): 587–621, https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtaa035
- Mina, A. (with C. Jensen) 2019. ‘Did transition bring cleaner air? The effects of ownership, territorial and technology policy on air pollution’, Ecological Economics 165: 106276, doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.03.017.
- Mina, A. (with S. Rocchetta) 2019 ‘Technological coherence and the adaptive resilience of regional economies’, Regional Studies 53(10): 1421-1434 (https://doi.org/:10.1080/00343404.2019.1577552)
- Mina, A. (with T. Thune) 2016 ‘Hospitals as innovators in the health care system: A literature review and research agenda’, Research Policy 45(8): 1545–1557, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.216.03.010
- Mina, A. (with H. Lahr) 2016 ‘Venture capital investments and the technological performance of portfolio firms’, Research Policy, 45(1): 303–318, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2015.10.001.
- Mina, A. (with Henry Lahr) 2014 ‘Liquidity, technological opportunities, and the stage distribution of venture capital investments’, Financial Management 43(2): 291–325, https://doi.org/10.1111/fima.12048.
- Mina, A. (with E. Bascavusoglu-Moreau and A. Hughes) 2014 ‘Open service innovation and the firm’s search for external knowledge’, Research Policy 43(5): 853–866 (Special Issue ‘Open Innovation: New Insights and Evidence’ edited by J. West, A. Salter, W. Vanhaverbeke and H. Chesbrough), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2013.07.004.
- Mina, A. (with E. Bascavusoglu-Moreau and A. Hughes) 2013 ‘Exploiting knowledge flows: Openness and the innovative performance of business services’, Best Paper Proceedings, 2013 Academy of Management Meeting, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2013.07.004.
- Mina, A. (with J. Probert and D. Connell) 2013 ‘R&D service firms: The hidden engine of the high-tech economy?’, Research Policy 42(6-7): 1274–1285, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2013.03.004.
- Mina, A. (with H. Lahr and A. Hughes) 2013 ‘The demand and supply of external finance for innovative firms’, Industrial and Corporate Change 22(4): 1-33, https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtt020.
- Mina, A. (with B. Tether and C. Li) 2012 ‘Knowledge-bases, places, spatial configurations and the performance of knowledge-intensive professional service firms’, Journal of Economic Geography 26: 969-1001, https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs015.
- Mina, A., 2009, ‘The emergence of new knowledge, market evolution and the dynamics of micro-innovation systems’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 18(5): 447-466, https://doi.org/10.1080/10438590802547167.
- Mina, A. (with J. Costa-Font and C. Courbage), 2009, ‘Innovation and health: Pathways to new technologies’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 18(5): 403-406, https://doi.org/10.1080/10438590802547092.
- Mina, A. (with D. Consoli), 2009, ‘An evolutionary perspective on health innovation systems’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics’, 19(2): 297-319, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00191-008-0127-3.
- Mina, A. (with R. Ramlogan, G. Tampubolon, G. and J. S. Metcalfe), 2007, ‘Mapping evolutionary trajectories: Applications to the growth and transformation of medical knowledge’, Research Policy 36(5): 789-806, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2006.12.007.
- Mina A. (with R. Ramlogan, G. Tampubolon, and J. S. Metcalfe), 2007, ‘Networks of knowledge: The distributed nature of medical innovation’, Scientometrics 70(3): 459-489, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-007-0212-7.
- Mina A. (with J.S. Metcalfe and A. James), 2005, ‘Emergent innovation systems and the delivery of clinical services: The case of intra-ocular lenses’, Research Policy 34(9): 1283-1304, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2005.01.015.
Book Chapters
- Deakin, S. and A. Mina (2013) ‘Institutions and Innovation: Is Corporate Governance the Missing Link?’, in Pittard, M., Monotti, A. and J. Duns (eds.) ‘Business Innovation: A Legal Balancing Act - Perspectives from Intellectual Property, Labour and Employment, Competition and Corporate Laws’, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 456–482.
- Consoli, D., McMeekin, A., Metcalfe, J.S., Mina, A. and R. Ramlogan (2009) ‘The Process of Healthcare Innovation: Problem Sequences, Systems and Symbiosis’ in J. Costa-i-Font, C. Courbage and A. McGuire (eds.) The Economics of New Health Technologies: Incentives, Organisation and Financing, Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York.
- Mina, A. and R. Ramlogan (2008) ‘Health Innovation Processes at the Public-Private Interface’, book chapter in Windrum, P. and P. Koch (eds.), ‘Innovation in Public Services: Management, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship’, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
- Mina, A. (2007) ‘Instituted Economic Processes in the Telecommunications Sector’, in ‘Neo Polanyian Perspectives on Instituted Economic Processes, Development and Transformation’, Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
Short Reports
- ‘Collaboration in services vis-à-vis manufacturing’, 2015, chapter in ‘The State of the Relationship’s Report, National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB), London.
- ‘Innovation Intermediaries’, 2014, chapter in ‘The State of the Relationship’s Report, National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB), London.
- (with A. Hughes), 2010, ‘The impact of the Patent System on SMEs’, Report for the UK Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property (SABIP/UK Intellectual Property Office), London.
- ‘Corporate Venture Capital: A review of the literature and data’, 2009, Report for the Council of Science and Technology, London.
- (with P. Cunningham and D. Gagliardi), 2007, ‘Regional Investment in Research: The Case of Emilia Romagna’, ETEPS Report for the Institute for Prospective Technology Studies (IPTS) of the European Commission, Brussels.
Books and Monographs
- (with D. Consoli, R.R. Nelson, and R. Ramlogan) 2015. Medical Innovation: Science, Technology and Practice, Routledge: London.
- (with D. Docherty, D. Eyton, A. Hughes, B. Martin, S. Pearce, and J. Probert) 2013 ‘Growing Value: Business-University Collaboration for the 21st Century, National Centre for Universities and Business, London.
- (with J. Probert), 2012, ‘Enhancing Collaboration, Creating Value: Business Interaction with the UK Research Base in Four Sectors’, Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE), London.
- (with A. Hughes), 2012, ‘The UK R&D Landscape’, Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE), London.
- (with B. Tether, D. Consoli and D. Gagliardi), 2005, ‘A literature review on skills and innovation: How does successful innovation impact on the demand for skills and how do skills drive innovation?, Report for the Department of Trade and Industry (UK), London.
Press (authored articles)
- VoxEU, 19 July 2020: https://voxeu.org/article/causal-effects-rd-grants
- LaVoce, 31 July 2020: https://www.lavoce.info/archives/68838/buoni-investimenti-il-sostegno-a-ricerca-e-sviluppo-delle-pmi/
Media coverage
Coverage of Horizon2020 European Universities Project ‘EELISA’:
- ANSA: https://www.ansa.it/europa/notizie/rubriche/europa_delle_regioni/2020/07/14/ue-premia-tre-atenei-toscani-_1eb63937-634d-437b-893e-0d56e951c3c3.html, Il Messaggero: https://www.ilmessaggero.it/speciali/quieuropa/ue_premia_tre_atenei_toscani-5346372.html, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno: https://www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it/news/europa-altre-news/1238686/ue-premia-tre-atenei-toscani.html, La Nazione: https://www.lanazione.it/cronaca/normale-e-sant-anna-selezionate-per-un-network-internazionale-dalla-commissione-europea-1.5316491, Telegranducato: https://www.telegranducato.it/2020/07/13/normale/.
Coverage of the paper ‘The causal effects of R&D grants: evidence for a regression discontinuity’:
- Sole24 Ore, 13 June 2020
Coverage of ‘Venture capital investments and the technological performance of portfolio firms’:
- San Francisco Chronicle, 11 December 2015
- Business Weekly, 14 December 2015
- Cambridge Network, 15 December 2015
Coverage of the UK-IRC/CIHE ‘UK R&D Landscape’ Report:
- The Guardian, 13 May 2014
- Finfacts 23 June 2012