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GRINS - Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable


The economic, financial, and geo-political crises of the last two decades, and the ongoing pandemic have left a tangible imprint on socio-economic conditions in Italy. Increased inequalities, and a shadow on the growth prospects of entire communities that are increasingly stressed by socio-economic, political and health shocks, are other consequences of the crises.
The actors of the system, firms, households, and public administrations face complex and changing environments and need to make choices under uncertainty, often under limited information and often facing limitations in their ability to process it and use it proficiently.

The objective of GRINS is to develop AMELIA (dAta platforM for the transfEr of knowLedge and statistIcal Analysis), an Online Data Platform giving access to high-quality data and instruments for data analysis for a wide range of applications. It will offer tools to support fundamental and applied research for firms and households and policy analysis and evaluation of the actions of public administrations.
Through AMELIA, GRINS will produce high-quality and statistically validated data, research and tools by combining methods from different disciplines. More specifically, it will combine data on firms, households and institutions with state-of-the-art econometric and statistical methods in order to evaluate the determinants of different stakeholders’ sustainability and resilience in Italy.

Within this objective, GRINS aims to develop an integrated set of geo-referenced heterogeneous databases in order to analyse the Italian socioeconomic, environmental, health and financial trends for the State, households and companies both at the local and national level.
GRINS aims to bridge crucial gaps in the Italian system using several actions for knowledge transfer, allowing the introduction and production of new skills and expertise and maturation of existing ones, thus reaching higher TRL and SRL. The developed data platform represents an important output for a variety of users. Still, technology transfer will be not limited only to the platform but to knowledge transfer as a whole. Extended Partnership activities will be devoted to the full availability of different services (incubators, training courses, creation of new spin-offs and start-ups, or empowerment of existing ones) to maximize project results and impact at the national level.


Università di Bologna



Fondazione “Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable – GRINS”



  • SPOKE 1. Firms’ Sustainability – (SSSA Principal Investigator: Prof. Marco Frey)
  • SPOKE 2. Public sector, policy design and performance – (SSSA Principal Investigator: Prof.ssa Vainieri)
  • SPOKE 5. Innovations – Ecosystems for Circular Economies – (SSSA Principal Investigator: Prof.Piccaluga)


Institutes/Research Centers involved

Institute of Management



36 months (1 December 2022 - 30 November 2025)


Budget SSSA

2.463.000,00 euro

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