PhD in Emerging Digital Technologies

The PhD Programme in Emerging Digital Technologies is a three-year programme which provides an exhaustive training path with structured teaching and supervised research activities.
In line with the standards of excellence pursued by the School, the objective of the programme is to train a professional figure able to successfully integrate in both national and international, public and private research facilities and in companies manufacturing products or service providers, operating in the field of communication, information and perception technologies.
The PhD Programme has an interdisciplinary approach, in the fields of Telecommunications, Information Engineering and Perceptual Robotics, which represent the main areas of interest of the Research Units at TeCIP Institute.
The course is structured in 3 curricula:
- Embedded Systems, focused on design and development of software for real-time embedded systems;
- Photonic Technologies focused on photonic integrated circuits, sensors, photonic communications and telecommunications networks;
- Perceptual Robotics, focused on Human-robot interaction systems, telerobotics and virtual environments.
The PhD Programme has various collaborations with national and international, private and public research bodies. PhD students are required to undertake a compulsory minimum 6-month period of study and research abroad, in prestigious Universities or companies.
At the successful completion of the Programme, the School awards the student with the ‘Ph.D.” (Philosophy Doctor) Degree.