Summer School Political Conspiracy Theories
La data di scadenza è stata prorogata al giorno 27 maggio 2024 con DR n. 265 del 15/05/2024
- Area tematica Diritto, welfare & public management
- Sede Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
- Scadenza iscrizione 27.05.2024
- Periodo di svolgimento -
- Crediti CFU 2
- Ore formazione 32
- Quota iscrizione € 100,00
Course description
The Summer School provides an introductory overview, through lectures offered by world-class experts, on strategies to analyze, decode, and debunk some of the forms of political conspiracy theories from an interdisciplinary perspective, including political theory, sociology, political philosophy, history, political science.
Course target
The Course is addressed to undergraduate, graduate, Master and PhD students, post doc as well journalists, teachers, and policymakers. In selecting applications, however, preference will be given to Master and Phd students and post doc, particularly from the area of political and social science.
Training objectives
The Course aims to give analytical and theoretical tools to better understand and decode political conspiracy theories. Teaching methods 32 hours of classes spread over 5 days; the preparatory texts will be provided preliminarily.
Course programme
The Course has a duration of 5 days, from July 1th to 5. Monday from 2 to 6 p.m; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 2 to 6 p.m.; Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For the detailed programme, consult the brochure.