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  • Workshop

Climate Change: challenges and opportunities

Data 09.09.2019 orario

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italia

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Lord Adair Turner, chairman of the Energy Transitions Commission, Senior Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) and former chairman of the Climate Change Committee at the House of Lords, will discuss challenges and opportunities related to climate change with Roberto Buizza, Giovanni Dosi, Andrea Roventini (Sant'Anna) and policy makers.

Adair Turner’s lecture will consider the macro-economic nature and consequences of transiting to a zero carbon economy, and the specific action needed to build it.

The workshop is organised within the public engagement activities of the EU H2020 project GROWINPRO



14:00-14:10 Opening and welcome - Sabina Nuti (Rector, Sant’Anna)

The Center on Climate Change 3CSA of the Scuole Universitarie Federate - Roberto Buizza (Professor of physics, coordinator of 3CSA, Sant’Anna)

14:20-15:20 Climate change and sustainable growth - Lord Adair Turner (chairman of the Energy Transitions Commission)
15:20-16:30 Round table with A. Turner, policy makers: Laura Castelli (Chamber of Deputies), Antonio Misiani (Senate of the Republic); scientific experts: Nicoletta Batini (economist, IMF), Giovanni Dosi (professor of economics, Sant’Anna); chaired by Andrea Roventini (GROWINPRO scientific coordinator, Sant’Anna)

Coffee/tea break


Participation is open and free.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.