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Marie Curie MAESTRI 'Magnetic Soft Matter for Robotics'

Call for two Marie Curie fellow funded by the MAESTRI project for the enrollment of 2 Ph.D. students in the Ph.D. in BioRobotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna announces 2 Ph.D. positions in the three-year Ph.D. Programme in BioRobotics within the European Marie Curie Action project "Doctoral Network MAESTRI "Magnetic Soft Matter for Robotics".

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) “Magnetic Soft Matter for Robotics” (MAESTRI, Grant ID 101119614, is an interdisciplinary research training network of 7 universities and 2 companies from 5 countries. It is founded under “the first pillar” of the Horizon Europe program called “Excellent Science”. MSCA-DN MAESTRI reflects the demand for training a new kind of expert in the emerging application field of magnetic soft robotics that we believe will yield groundbreaking technologies in the near future. It is an interdisciplinary collaboration of specialists from different fields of Materials Science, Biology, Physics, and Engineering Science.

Two positions are currently available:

  • DC7. The main part of the work will be carried out in the group of Prof. Matteo Cianchetti (Soft Mechatronics for Biorobotics – SMB lab) at the BioRobotics Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and secondment placements will take place at: Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia, 3 months, to get knowledge about chemical synthesis; University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria, 3 months, to gain knowledge on simulation of material properties and to incorporate the results into the FEM-based mechanical design; Wegard GmbH (WEG), Germany, 3 months, to explore opportunities to include magnetoactive materials into soft device design and development as well as for industrial exposure. Candidates will apply for a first stage researcher (R1) fellowship offered by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. More information is available at:
  • DC8. The main part of the work will be carried out in the R&D department of Prensilia SRL (, led by Dr. Francesco Clemente ( and secondment placements will take place at: Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, 3 months, to gain complementary expertise on sample preparation of magnetoactive materials and to work on optical feedback concepts – South Denmark University, Denmark, 3 months, to work on the development of the adaptive control algorithms – University of Vienna, Austria, 3 months, to gain complementary experience on material simulation. Candidates will apply for a 3-years employment contract at Prensilia, but the doctoral degree will be awarded on the basis of successful completion of the research work and the requirements of the PhD in Biorobotics, hosted by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa. More information is available at:

The doctoral projects are funded for three years and would start on 1st October 2024.
Deadline: May 12th, 2024, at 23:59 (Europe/Rome)