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Big Data

Big data

The term "Big Data" usually refers to the phenomenon related to the vast amount of data available and analyzable thanks to digital technologies. At the Institute of Management, there is an active research group engaged in research and training on the impact of Big Data on innovation and organizational processes in businesses, in close connection with the Department of Excellence L'Embeds at Scuola Sant'Anna.  
In an increasingly complex environment, the ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data can help businesses (both small and large, both profit and non-profit) to implement more conscious and effective strategies and actions to generate equitable, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth.

Research Group

The research group, composed of Giulio Ferrigno, Andrea Piccaluga, Alberto Di Minin, Saverio Barabuffi, and Enrico Marcazzan, works with faculty, researchers, students, and research centers to study the impact of Big Data on businesses and promote virtuous data usage practices. 
The group's goal is to produce high-quality scientific research and teaching, as well as to play an active role in promoting the construction of a European research infrastructure ("SoBigData").

Key activities

  1. Research Projects: The team is involved in several research projects on the theme of Big Data. One of these concerns the impact of Big Data on Open Innovation practices in innovative Italian SMEs. 
  2. Master in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining: Teaching in the Data-Driven Innovation course in the Master's programme in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining at the University of Pisa. 
  3. SoBigData++ and SoBigData PPP: The Institute's research team is involved in the implementation of the research infrastructure led by the "SoBigData" project, both in terms of technology transfer (and thus the diffusion and acceleration of innovation among the project's European partners, WP 5 of "SoBigData++"), and in the study, development, and implementation of a business model that fosters the project's economic and financial sustainability (WP 3 of "SoBigData PPP").
