Intelligent Automation Systems
The Intelligent Automation Systems investigates new systems, algorithms and architectures for Robotics and Automation. Some relevant research fields include identification, model-based design, control systems, biomechanics, mechatronics, robotics and artificial intelligence. The group exploits its synergy among different scientific competencies and technical skills to design and implement embedded systems for robotics and automation with augmented sensing and analysis capabilities to perform smart control operation, for instance: haptic systems and teleoperation architectures that analyze and exploit motion analysis, diagnostic and manipulation devices with self-learning capabilities, autonomous vehicles (UxV) for unknown or hostile environments.
Relevant application fields include Robotics, Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Systems, maintenance, surveillance and diagnostic systems. Current ongoing research includes:
- Design of haptic controller with self-learning and cognitive capabilities
- Smart industrial robot for next generation automation
- Field robotics and exploration robots
- Simulated environment for complex human robot interaction
- Maintenance on condition for systems, infrastructures with embedded and teleoperated sensors
- Tele-medicine, health and sport
- Smart drones
- Active monitoring for transportation and environment