Industry 5.0 & the transformation of work, between emerging technologies and global challenges: presentation of the research study in collaboration between Artes 4.0 competence center and Sant'Anna School at the European Parliament on Wednesday, April 17
Roadmap for understanding the impact of artificial intelligence, robotics and emerging technologies on human employment in the context of the "fifth industrial revolution"
The European Parliament, in Bruxelles, is hosting on Wednesday, April 17, the presentation of a research study on labor transformations as part of the so-called "fifth industrial revolution," coordinated by Alberto Pirni, Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at Sant'Anna School, and Paolo Dario, Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Robotics at Sant'Anna School.
The study was carried out in collaboration between the Artes 4.0 Competence Center and the Research Area in Ethics and Global Challenges of the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) at Sant'Anna School. Specifically, the study proposes a roadmap for understanding the impact of artificial intelligence, robotics and emerging technologies on human labor in the context of the "fifth industrial revolution", focusing on the evolving labor landscape, the social value of work, and the global competitive landscape.
The presentation includes a panel discussion organized by Tiziana Beghin, Member of the European Parliament - Non-attached, to provide an overview of ethical, legislative and technological issues related to the future of work and industry.
The presentation takes place on Wednesday, April 17 at 10 a.m. at the European Parliament, Spinelli Room 3G2, Bruxelles.
Cover photo: European Parliament Strasbourg Hemicycle. Source: Wikipedia.